
Študij tehnoloških in ekonomskih možnosti pridobivanja lesa na kmetiji Kogel : diplomsko delo - visokošolski strokovni študij
ID Alič, Uroš (Author), ID Krč, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 21317B62C14CC205D1235FB7F980DB80
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/8f74c2a1-b44d-4ebc-aebd-ac737ce655e2

Diplomsko delo je nastalo z namenom, da novemu lastniku gozda predstavimo njegovo stanje gozda, ukrepe v njem, možen posek, možnost financiranja oz. sofinanciranja nekaterih gozdnih del iz proračuna Republike Slovenije, tehnološko najugodnejše možnosti spravila lesa ter njegov ekonomski rezultat.Lastniku smo hoteli prikazati, kaj in koliko lahko od svojega gozda pričakuje. Naredili smo sečno-spravilni načrt. Ugotovili smo odprtost gozda, pregledali sestojne značilnosti in določili spravilna polja. Naredili smo kalkulacije cen delovnih ur za delovna sredstva. Možen posek smo določili po dveh različicah. Po prvi tako, da smo posek določili sorazmerno glede na površino, ki jo prestavljajo parcele v lasti kmetije znotraj odseka. Po drugi pa smo možni posek izračunali tako, da smo jakost sečnje iz GG načrta množili z lesno zalogo, ki smo jo izmerili sami po Bitterlichovi kotnoštevni metodi. Lastniku smo predstavili tudi posebnosti izračunavanja katastrskega dohodka. Ugotovili smo, da lahko dohodki od posekanega lesa v celoti pokrivajo vse stroške dela (sečnje spravila, umetne obnove, vzdrževanje vlak), kar pa je predvsem posledica dobre odprtosti gozda.

Keywords:pridobivanje lesa, spravilo lesa, stroški, prihodki, zasebna gozdna posest, tehnologija, ekonomika, kmetija Kogel, Šenjošt
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Alič]
Number of pages:IX, 34 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-15223 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1464230 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

The diploma thesis was written with an intention of presenting the forest condition, measures in it, allowable cut, alternatives of financing methods orco-financing some of the forest works from the budget of the Republic of Slovenija, the most favourable technologic possibilities of wood skidding andits economic results to new owner of the forest. We wanted to show him whatand how much can he expect from his forest. The felling and skidding plan was made. We stated the forest openess, we looked over the forest characteristics and defined the skidding fields. We made the price calculations for the working means. The allowable cut was calculated in two alternatives. In first one we defined the cut in proportion with the surface of the forest which consists of parcels on the farm property within forest subsection. And in the second one the cut intensity from the FE plan was multiplied by growing stocks which were measured by the method of angle-count sampling (Bitterlich). We presented the owner the specialities of calculating the cadastre income. We found out thet the incomes of cut trees exceed work expenses (felling, bringing in, artificial renovation, maintenance of sledges).This is, above all, the result of good forest openess.

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