In my master's thesis, I researched the current situation and the need for intercultural mediation in Velenje and Celje. In the theoretical part, I presented theoretical starting points about culture and interculturality, multilingualism and multiculturalism in Slovenia, and intercultural mediation. I addressed the field of development of intercultural mediation around the world and in Slovenia, presented the work of an intercultural mediator, recruitment and training for intercultural mediators, and the national qualification of this profession. I also addressed the area of language and bilingualism in a wider context.
In the empirical part of my master's thesis, I conducted a total of six semi-structured interviews and a focus group with three participants. First of all, I was interested in what experiences the interviewed cultural mediators have with the work of intercultural mediation. I further researched whether and what kind of need the interviewees see for intercultural mediation in various institutions and who most often invites an intercultural mediator. I was particularly interested in who, according to the interviewees, was responsible for inviting the intercultural mediator. In the final stages, I was interested in what challenges and problems the interviewees encounter in the field of intercultural mediation and what possible improvements there are.