
Omejitve svobode gibanja v času epidemije
ID Lavtar, Alja (Author), ID Bardutzky, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava omejitve svobode gibanja v času epidemije COVID-19 z vidika presoje ustavnosti s strani Ustavnega Sodišča Republike Slovenije. Po predstavljenem dejanskem stanju v Sloveniji na začetku epidemije COVID-19 in ukrepih Vlade Republike Slovenije, je na kratko opisana odločba Ustavnega sodišča št. U-I-83/20 z dne 27. 8. 2020. V osrednjem delu magistrskega diplomskega dela sta predstavljeni kritika odločbe št. U-I-83/20 in teoretična vloga Ustavnega sodišča. V zaključnem delu nato sledi odgovor na vprašanje, ali je Ustavno sodišče s svojim odločanjem v zadevi U-I-83/20 izpolnilo svojo vlogo in kakšen vpliv je na to imela epidemija. S pojavom epidemije neraziskane bolezni COVID-19 spomladi leta 2020, je bila družba postavljena pred preizkušnjo. Vlada je, v želji po čim boljšem obvladovanju epidemije in iz strahu pred visokim številom žrtev in kolapsom zdravstvenega sistema, začela izdajati odloke, med drugim Odloka 38 in 52, ki sta vsebovala ukrepe omejitev gibanja na občino prebivališča. Te ukrepe je nato pred Ustavnim sodiščem izpodbijal pobudnik v zadevi U-I-83/20 in med drugim zatrjeval poseg v 32. člen Ustave, ki ureja pravico do svobode gibanja. 27. 8. 2020 je bila izdana odločba št. U-I-83/20, ki pa je bila deležna kritike s strani splošne in strokovne javnosti. Skozi razčlenitev odločbe in raziskovanje vloge Ustavnega sodišča v sodobni demokraciji sem prišla do zaključka, da Ustavnemu sodišču z neobrazloženostjo, neupoštevanjem ustavnosodne prakse in izogibanjem pomembnim ustavnopravnim vprašanjem, ni uspelo izkazati zadostne mere nepristranskosti in objektivnosti, zagotoviti ustreznega samonadzora in ohraniti zaupanja javnosti v institucijo Ustavnega sodišča, s tem pa ni izpolnilo svoje vloge varuha Ustave in demokracije. Celoten potek presoje ustavnosti omejitev svobode gibanja v času epidemije se nato v epilogu zaključi z odločbo št. U-I-79/20.

Keywords:epidemija, COVID-19, Ustavno sodišče, presoja ustavnosti, ustavnosodna praksa, svoboda gibanja, omejitve svobode gibanja, vloga Ustavnega sodišča, vloga sodnika, varstvo Ustave in demokracije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152167 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:174511619 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.11.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The limitations of freedom of movement Dduring the COVID-19 pandemic
The master's thesis examines the limitations of freedom of movement during the COVID-19 pandemic through judicial review by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia. After presenting the circumstances in Slovenia at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the thesis briefly describes the Constitutional Court Decision No. U-I-83/20, dated 27 August 2020. The central part of the master's thesis then presents a critique of Decision No. U-I-83/20 and the theoretical role of the Constitutional Court. In the concluding section, the question is answered whether the Constitutional Court fulfilled its role with its decision in case No. U-I-83/20 and what impact the pandemic had on it. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020, society faced a challenge. To control the pandemic as effectively as possible and out of fear of a high number of casualties and the collapse of the healthcare system, the Government began issuing ordinances, including Ordinances 38 and 52, which contained measures prohibiting movement outside the municipality of one’s residence. These measures were challenged before the Constitutional Court in case No. U-I-83/20, where the petitioner claimed, among other things, a violation of Article 32 of the Constitution, which guarantees freedom of movement. On August 27, 2020, Decision No. U-I-83/20 was issued, which received criticism from the public and legal professionals. Through an analysis of the decision and an exploration of the role of the Constitutional Court in modern democracy, I have concluded that the Constitutional Court failed to demonstrate a sufficient degree of impartiality and objectivity, did not provide adequate self-monitoring, and did not maintain public confidence. Consequently, it did not fulfil of protecting the Constitution and democracy. The entire process of judicial review of restrictions on freedom of movement during the pandemic concludes with Decision No. U-I-79/20.

Keywords:pandemic, COVID-19, Constitutional Court, judicial review, constitutional jurisprudence, freedom of movement, limitations of freedom of movement, role of the Constitutional Court, role of a judge, protection of the Constitution and democracy

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