
Določanje citrata, natrija in nečistot v antikoagulantni raztopini
ID Gaber, Klara (Author), ID Gros, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 5D55C4013CEC6C7E3150877C65AA1D8E

Koagulacijske raziskave krvi imajo v zdravstvu velik pomen, zato je pomembno, da se v predanaliznem postopku zmanjša možnost za napake, ki bi lahko vplivale na končne rezultate. Tekom dela smo obravnavali pristop, s katerim bi v zdravstvenih ustanovah lahko v epruvetah s citratnim antikoagulantom enostavno določili koncentracijo citrata ter ocenili, ali ustreza navedenim specifikacijam. Že v predhodnih raziskavah je bilo namreč ugotovljeno, da koncentracija citrata v epruvetah lahko odstopa od definirane, prav tako so bile v epruvetah zaznane nečistote (predvsem kovinski ioni kalija, kalcija, magnezija in litija). Do sedaj pa še ni bilo izvedeno vrednotenje vpliva prisotnosti dodatkov na določanje koncentracije citrata in določanje koncentracije kovinskih ionov v antikoagulantnih raztopinah s spektroskopskimi metodami. Namen dela je bil z atomsko absorpcijsko spektrometrijo (AAS) preveriti možnost določanja kovinskih ionov natrija, kalija, kalcija, magnezija in litija v raztopini citrata. Poleg tega smo želeli preveriti tudi možnost določitve koncentracije citrata v citratnih modelnih raztopinah z uporabo molekularne absorpcijske spektrometrije (MAS) v prisotnosti različnih dodatkov (snovi, ki bi bile lahko prisotne zaradi nizke kakovosti prečiščene vode, oksalat in $K_2EDTA$). Kasneje smo želeli metodi MAS in AAS uporabiti za analizo vsebine epruvet različnih proizvajalcev. Za kvantitativno določanje koncentracij kovinskih ionov in citrata smo uporabili metodi standardnih dodatkov in eksternih standardov. Pri presoji vpliva dodatkov na določanje citrata z metodo MAS smo vključili tudi metodo razmerja med absorbancami pri valovnih dolžinah 210 in 230 nm. Tekom eksperimentalnega dela smo za metodo AAS izbrali optimalne pogoje za določanje koncentracije kovinskih ionov v modelnih raztopinah. Pri vrednotenju vpliva dodatkov na določanje koncentracije citrata z metodo MAS smo ugotovili, da ima nitratni anion največji vpliv na določitev koncentracije citrata. Sledila je analiza epruvet treh različnih proizvajalcev z metodama MAS in AAS. V nekaterih epruvetah smo poleg natrijevih ionov zaznali tudi magnezijeve in kalijeve ione. Magnezijeve ione bi lahko pripisali izločanju magnezija iz zamaška epruvete, kalijeve ione pa morebitni kontaminaciji z drugim antikoagulantom v procesu proizvodnje. V skoraj vseh primerih smo pri določanju koncentracije citrata opazili pomembna odstopanja od definirane vrednosti. Pri enem tipu epruvete pa smo zabeležili atipično obliko molekulskega spektra, katere izvora ne znamo pojasniti. Rezultati raziskave nakazujejo, da bi lahko metodo MAS uporabili za enostavno določanje koncentracije citrata tudi v prisotnosti dodatkov. S pomočjo razmerja med absorbancami pri valovnih dolžinah 210 in 230 nm bi lahko ocenili prisotnost dodatkov v antikoagulantnih raztopinah. Poleg tega pa bi bila metoda AAS primerna za enostavno in hitro določanje koncentracije prisotnih kovinskih ionov v raztopini citrata.

Keywords:določanje koncentracije antikoagulanta, citrat, molekularna absorpcijska spektrometrija, atomska absorpcijska spektrometrija, določanje kovinskih ionov z AAS
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152082-2ec85b65-60da-9d71-8bc1-706c20162c6c This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:174547715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.11.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Determination of citrate, sodium and impurities in anticoagulant solution
Coagulation studies of blood hold great significance in healthcare, making it crucial to minimize the potential for errors during the pre-analytical phase that could influence the final results. In this study, we addressed an approach that would enable the straightforward determination of citrate concentration in citrate blood collection tubes within healthcare institutions, along with an assessment of whether the collection tubes comply with the specifications. Previous studies have revealed variations in citrate concentration in these tubes and the presence of impurities, primarily in the form of metallic ions such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, and lithium. However, no evaluation of the impact of additives on citrate concentration determination and the determination of metal ion concentrations in anticoagulant solutions with spectroscopic methods has been done yet. The purpose of this study was to determine sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and lithium ions in a citrate medium with atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). Additionally, we wanted to explore the potential for determining citrate concentration in citrate model solutions using molecular absorption spectrometry (MAS) in the presence of various additives (substances that could potentially be present due to the low quality of purified water, oxalate, and $K_2EDTA$). Subsequently, we intended to apply MAS and AAS methods to analyze the contents of tubes from various manufacturers. Quantitative determination of metal ions and citrate concentrations was achieved using the methods of standard additions and external standards. In assessing the effect of additives on citrate determination using the MAS method, we also included the method of the ratio of absorbances at wavelengths of 210 and 230 nm. During the experimental phase, we optimized the conditions for determining metal ion concentrations in model solutions using the AAS method. When evaluating the impact of additives on citrate determination using MAS method, we observed that nitrate anions had the most significant effect on citrate concentration determination. Subsequently, we analyzed tubes from three different manufacturers with AAS and MAS. In some tubes, in addition to sodium ions, we detected magnesium and potassium ions. The presence of magnesium ions could have been the result of leaching of magnesium from the tube stopper. The potential source of potassium ions might have been contamination with another anticoagulant during the production process. In nearly all cases, significant deviations from the defined citrate concentration were observed. Furthermore, in one type of tube, we observed an atypical shape of the molecular spectrum, the origin of which remains unexplained. The results of this study suggest that MAS method could be employed for the direct determination of citrate concentration, even in the presence of additives. By utilizing the ratio of absorbances at wavelengths of 210 and 230 nm, the presence of additives in anticoagulant solutions could be assessed. Additionally, AAS method would be suitable for the rapid determination of the concentrations of metal ions present in the citrate medium.

Keywords:determination of anticoagulant concentration, citrate, molecular absorption spectrometry, atomic absorption spectrometry, determination of metals by AAS

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