This master's thesis is aimed to examine the correlation between spirituality, psychological well-being and satisfaction in partner relationships. In the past few years, quite a few studies have been conducted in the field of spirituality and psychological well-being, which prove the importance of spirituality for the well-being of the individual. We have not found any research in the Slovenian area that would verify the mentioned connection, so we decided to do a research on a Slovenian sample of participants. In the theoretical part, we first delved into the research and description of the areas of the research problem, such as spirituality, psychological health and satisfaction, and satisfaction in the partner relationship. Quantitative methodology was used in the research. We used three measuring tools to collect data: the Spiritual Expressions Questionnaire (ESI-R), the Psychological Health and Satisfaction Scale (PWB) and the Partner Relationship Satisfaction Index (CSI). The sample consisted of 205 participants. The results of the analysis showed that there is a statistically significant connection between an individual's spiritual expressiveness and the following dimensions of psychological well-being: the dimension of personal growth, the dimension of self-acceptance, the dimension of positive relations with others, the dimension of autonomy and environmental mastery. Also, a statistically significant connection was found between individual's spiritual expressiveness and his satisfaction in a partner relationship. Based on our data, however, there was no statistically significant connection between an individual's spiritual expressiveness and his experience of purpose in life, so we rejected one hypothesis. The assignment concludes that an individual's spiritual expressiveness is a very important factor that affects his psychological well-being, as well as satisfaction in a partner relationship. A better understanding and consideration of the spiritual dimension of the individual can thus significantly contribute to greater overall psychological well-being of the individual and partners together. Further research in this area, which would include a larger sample, is recommended in order to obtain even broader and more representative findings on the connection between spiritual expressiveness and psychological well-being and satisfaction in the partner relationship.