
Vloga logopeda pri obravnavi oseb s s telesno vadbo sproženo obstrukcijo grla : magistrsko delo
ID Uršič, Andreja (Author), ID Hočevar-Boltežar, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Prebil, Nataša (Comentor)

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Exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction - EILO je izraz, ki v dobesednem prevodu pomeni s telesno vadbo sprožena zapora grla. Opisuje prehodno in reverzibilno stanje, pri katerem se grlo med vadbo delno ali v celoti zapre, kar povzroči težave z dihanjem, ki so večje od pričakovane zadihanosti ob določenem naporu. Težave ob prenehanju z vadbo izginejo v nekaj minutah in v času mirovanja niso prisotne. V zadnjih nekaj desetletjih se je razvilo več načinov zdravljenja in pomoči, ki so osnovani predvsem na teoriji in kliničnih izkušnjah, med katerimi je najpogosteje izpostavljena logopedska terapija. Izkušnje iz tujine kažejo, da se obstrukcija grla, ki jo povzroča vadba, dobro odziva na vedenjsko terapijo, usmerjeno na tehnike in kontrolo dihanja, ki jo vodi logoped. V Sloveniji je največ oseb z EILO mladostnikov, aktivnih športnikov. Zato z njimi v stik največkrat pride pediater, ki mladostnika napoti k pulmologu, ki potrdi diagnozo EILO ter pacienta napoti naprej k otorinolaringologu-foniatru, ki oceni možne vzroke za EILO. V Sloveniji logoped trenutno ni vključen v diagnostiko in obravnavo EILO. Osebe z EILO prejmejo nekaj navodil in nasvetov za premagovanje svojih težav, a niso sistemsko vodene in deležne spremljanja ali terapije. Z raziskavo smo želeli proučiti, katere tehnike dihanja in informacije so osebam z EILO pomagale pri premagovanju težav ter kakšni so bili učinki (ne)uporabe teh tehnik po daljšem časovnem obdobju pri različnih skupinah pacientov. Želeli smo dobiti vpogled v trenutno stanje obravnave oseb z EILO in potrebo po vključevanju logopeda v strokovni tim pri osebah z EILO. V empirični del smo vključili 49 oseb s potrjeno diagnozo EILO, ki so bili ob postavitvi diagnoze mlajši od 25 let in so diagnozo prejeli v času med majem 2013 in januarjem 2023. Sodelovali so z izpolnjevanjem namensko sestavljenega vprašalnika o njihovi športni aktivnosti, njihovih težavah, spremembah težav v času od pojava, soočanju z njimi, zadovoljstvu o prejeti pomoči in informacijah ter potrebi po logopedski terapiji. Rezultati so pokazali, da so se težave v času od prejema diagnoze pri našem vzorcu zmanjšale, a le pri redkih povsem prenehale, obenem pa jih je večina zmanjšala svojo tedensko športno aktivnost, čeprav razloga za to ne prepoznavajo v EILO. V večji meri so jo ohranili tisti, pri katerih so težave povsem prenehale. Mladi v Sloveniji se za premostitev težav med vadbo običajno ustavijo. V večini niso razvili strategije, ki bi jo lahko redno in učinkovito uporabljali za premostitev težav med vadbo brez njene prekinitve. Med tehnikami dihanja za premostitev težav pa najpogosteje omenjajo dihanje na nos. Informacije so v največji meri prejeli s strani zdravstvenega osebja ter izrazili relativno zadovoljstvo z njimi, kljub temu pa bi si velika večina želela podpore logopeda. Primerjava glede poteka bolezni med različnimi skupinami ni pokazala statistično pomembnih razlik. Ugodnejši potek bolezni se je pokazal le pri skupini tistih, ki so bili zadovoljni z informacijami, prejetimi s strani zdravstvenega osebja. Z raziskavo smo pridobili v pogled v potek bolezni v daljšem časovnem obdobju ter spoprijemanje oseb z EILO z njihovimi težavami. Dobljeni rezultati so dobro izhodišče za nadaljnje raziskovanje in pripomorejo k boljšemu prepoznavanju potreb oseb z EILO, med katerimi se kaže potreba po pomoči s strani strokovnjaka logopeda.

Keywords:sprožena zapora grla (ILO), z vadbo sprožena zapora grla (EILO), logopedska terapija, dihalne tehnike
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Uršič
Number of pages:X, 97 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152071 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:170378243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Role of the Speech and Language Therapist in the Treatment of People with Exercise-Induced Laryngeal Obstruction
Exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction - EILO is a term that describes a transient and reversible condition in which the larynx partially or completely closes during exercise, causing breathing problems that are greater than the expected shortness of breath at a given effort. The problems are resolved within a few minutes when the exercise is stopped, and are not present during rest. In the last few decades, several methods of treatment and assistance have been developed, among which speech therapy is the most often mentioned. Experience from abroad shows that laryngeal obstruction caused by exercise responds well to speech therapy focused on breathing techniques and control. In Slovenia, the majority of people with EILO are young people, active athletes. Therefore, a pediatrician most often comes into contact with them, refers the adolescent to a pulmonologist, who confirms the diagnosis of EILO, and then refers the patient to an otolaryngologist-phoniatrician, who evaluates the possible causes of EILO. In Slovenia, speech therapists are currently not involved in the diagnosis and treatment of EILO. People with EILO receive some guidance and advice to overcome their problems, but they are not systematically guided and receive follow-up or therapy. With this research, we wanted to examine which breathing techniques and information helped people with EILO to overcome problems and what were the effects of (not) using these techniques after a long period of time in different groups of patients. We wanted to get an insight into the current situation and the need to include a speech therapist in the professional team for people with EILO. In the research we included 49 people with confirmed diagnosis of EILO, who were less than 25 years old at the time of the diagnosis and who received the diagnosis between May 2013 and January 2023. They participated by filling in a purpose-built questionnaire about their sports activities, their problems, changes in the problems in the time since they have appeared, coping with them, satisfaction with the help and information received, and the need for speech therapy. The results showed that the severity of the problems of our participants decreased in the time since receiving the diagnosis. Most of the participants reduced their weekly sports activity (according to them, the reasons for this are not problems due to EILO) except those whose problems had completely stopped. Young people in Slovenia usually stop during exercise to overcome problems. For the most part, they have not developed a strategy that can be used regularly and effectively to overcome difficulties during exercise without interruption. Among the breathing techniques to overcome problems, breathing through the nose is the most often mentioned. They received the information to the greatest extent from the medical staff and expressed relative satisfaction with it, however, the vast majority would like the support of a speech therapist. Comparison of the course of the disease between the different groups did not show statistically significant differences. A more favorable course of the disease was shown only in the group of those who were satisfied with the information received from the medical staff. Through the research, we gained insight into the course of the disease over a longer period of time and how people with EILO cope with their problems. The obtained results are a good starting point for further research and will help to better identify the needs of people with EILO, among which the need for help from a speech therapist is evident.

Keywords:induced laryngeal obstruction (ILO), exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction (EILO), speech therapy, breathing techniques

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