
Idejna zasnova mestnega središča s Centrom skupnosti v Šentjurju
ID Nunčič, Tamara (Author), ID Dešman, Mihael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ljubanović, Vlatka (Comentor)

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V mestu Šentjur sem opazila primanjkljaj ustreznega javnega prostora, ki bi združeval ljudi vseh starosti in služil kot središče za skupnost. V okviru svojega magistrskega dela sem se posvetila ideji ustvarjanja prostora, kjer bi se ljudje različnih generacij lahko povezali in ustvarili bogato medsebojno okolje. Osredotočila sem se na trajnostno arhitekturo, ki ne bi le zagotavljala udobnega bivanja, temveč bi tudi zmanjšala negativne vplive na okolje. Dobršen del magistrskega dela sem posvetila tudi urejanju zelenega okolja, ki bi obdajalo to novo središče. Začela sem s preučevanjem lokacije na več ravneh, pri čemer sem upoštevala zgodovinske, urbanistične in arhitekturne vidike. Na tej osnovi sem razvijala koncept, ki bi se naravno zlil v obstoječo podobo kraja. Moj cilj je bil ustvariti arhitekturno in ekološko premišljen prostor, ki bi uporabnikom ponujal možnosti različnih dejavnosti. V omenjenem prostoru bi se ljudje lahko družili, ukvarjali s športom, se učili, brali ter izražali svojo umetniško plat in ustvarjalnost. Dodatno sem predvidela tudi kreativne delavnice, prostor za umetniške razstave, izobraževanje, seminarje in kulinarične delavnice. Skozi Center skupnosti Šentjur bi se tako prepletale kreativnost, izmenjava idej, solidarnost in medsebojna pomoč, omenjen prostor pa bi postal nov prostor za interakcije, povezovanje in skupno ustvarjanje ter s tem izboljšal kakovost življenja v Šentjurju. Pri oblikovanju zunanje okolice sem posebno pozornost namenila usklajevanju s trenutno okolico. Osredotočila sem se na vzpostavitev harmonije med notranjim programom centra in zunanjimi dejavnostmi. Ob reki Pešnica, ki se nahaja v neposredni bližini, sem nadgradila javno sprehajališče in ustvarila privlačno pot, ki omogoča obiskovalcem, da se povežejo z naravo ter izkoristijo zunanji prostor za sprostitev, druženje in aktivnosti v skladu z naravnim okoljem.

Keywords:Ključne besede: skupnost, središče, javni prostor, trajnost, zeleno okolje.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152047 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:174386179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The conceptual design of the city center with a Community Center in Šentjur
I noticed a lack of quality space, in the nearby town of Šentjur which could serve as a gathering place for people of all ages and act as a community hub. As part of my masters thesis I focused on creating an environment where different generations could connect and establish a shared space. My main emphasis was on design aiming to provide not just comfortable living but also minimize negative impacts, on the environment. Additionally I worked on designing surroundings that would surround this center. My thesis begins by studying the location from both macro and micro perspectives considering urban and architectural aspects. Building upon this research I developed a concept that seamlessly integrates with the existing landscape. The objective was to create a planned space that combines architecture with ecological considerations while offering diverse activities. In this space people can come together to engage in sports learn things read books express themselves through art and unleash their creativity. At the Šentjur Community Center creativity thrives as ideas are exchanged and solidarity is fostered through support. This center will serve as a hub for people to come together connect and collaborate ultimately enhancing the quality of life, in Šentjur. When I planned the layout of the surroundings I made sure to create a blend between the facilities and the existing environment. The main focus was on finding harmony between the activities that take place inside the center and those that happen outdoors. Alongside the Pešnica River, which is located nearby I improved a walkway. Designed an inviting path that allows visitors to connect with nature and enjoy various activities, in sync with the natural surroundings.

Keywords:Key words: center, community, public space, sustainability, green environment.

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