Nature was the main backdrop for our gatherings and growing up. Daily
swims in the lake, swimming to the island, rowing in a boat, strolling around
the lake, climbing to the castle or the surrounding hills.
We observed how the place, with the increasing tourism, is losing its
authenticity and becoming a one-day tourist spot with idyllic photographs.
Bled, also known as Veldes, has always been famous for its idyllic Alpine
landscape with a lake and an island. It has been a destination for pilgrims,
tourists, and visitors to the thermal springs along the eastern shore of the
lake and on the island. In the second half of the 19th century, Bled became
an elite spa resort, where Swiss doctor Arnold Rikli established the
Atmospheric Spa in 1855, treating patients with water, air, light, nutrition,
exercise, and communal interaction. He successfully managed and
developed his practice for 60 years, laying the foundation for atmospheric
healing, and Bled became the world's first atmospheric spa.
Bled has all the elements to once again become a place of healing through
nature and in nature. In the modern context of a tourist destination, an
Atmospheric Spa is established, reviving Bled as a spa town.
Behind the walls of Villa Bled lies an exceptional natural wooded
environment with existing structures and paths. The Atmospheric Spa is
placed over the entire area. The spa building becomes the Atmospheric
Pavilion, located in the renovated Flower Pavilion by architect Glanz, with a
new wooden pavilion next to it for group workshops.
An area that has long been hidden, inaccessible, with a rich political history,
is now programmatically revived and returned to the people, allowing them
to strengthen their health in this environment and climate.