
Zasnova sistema za lasersko merjenje medsebojne razdalje cilindričnih teles v ravnini
ID Kalister, Rok (Author), ID Jezeršek, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V mnogo različnih okoliščinah je potrebno poznati premer in tudi medsebojno razdaljo dveh ali več objektov, ki so cilindrične oblike. Med te primere sodijo na primer 3D tiskalnik, ki ima nameščeni dve brizgalni šobi, razni obdelovalni stroji, ki imajo več obdelovalnih glav, ki za ustrezno delovanje potrebujejo podatek o medsebojni razdalji, ali pa tudi razni izdelki, ki se uporabljajo za nadaljnjo montažo in je pred tem potrebna dimenzijska kontrola. Optično ali lasersko merjenje cilindričnih teles, sploh iz kovinskih materialov je zaradi same oblike in visoke odsevnosti razmeroma težko, zato v splošnem ni konvencionalnih, cenovno ugodnih sistemov, ki bi to omogočali. Cilj je tako zasnovati ustrezno programsko opremo, ki bi s pomočjo izvedbe meritev na podlagi točkovne laserske triangulacije na pomični mizi tvorila merilno napravo. Na lastno razvitem, razmeroma cenovno ugodnem in enostavnem sistemu bi bilo mogoče merjenje premera kakor tudi zaznava medsebojne razdalje cilindričnih objektov v ravnini s čim višjo možno natančnostjo. V sklopu tega dela se tako dotaknemo zasnove prototipnega mehanskega sistema, razvoja programske opreme za izvedbo ustreznih preračunov kot tudi izvedbe ustreznih meritev in analize podatkov. Na koncu še izvedemo analizo merilne negotovosti rezultatov ter validacijo sistema.

Keywords:laserska triangulacija, filtriranje podatkov, aproksimacija krožnice, merilna negotovost, Python, razvoj in zasnova
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[R. Kalister]
Number of pages:XX, 80 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152029 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:172108035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Design of a system for laser measurement of the mutual distance of cylindrical bodies on a plane
In many different circumstances, it is necessary to know both the diameter and distance between two or more cylindrical objects. These examples include, a 3D printer that has two injection nozzles, various production machines that have several machining heads that need information about their mutual distance for proper operation and also various products that are used for further assembly and previously require a dimensional control. Optical and laser measurement of cylindrical bodies, especially those made of metallic materials, is relatively difficult due to their shape and high reflectivity, so in general there are no conventional, affordable systems that would allow these measurements to be made. The goal of this thesis is to design appropriate software, that would form a measuring device with measurements performed by a point laser triangulation method on a moving table. On this self-developed, relatively affordable and simple system, it would be possible to measure the diameter, as well as to detect the mutual distance of cylindrical objects on a plane with the highest possible accuracy. As part of this work, we look upon the design of a prototype mechanical system, the development of software for the execution of relevant calculations, as well as carrying out the necessary measurements and their data analysis. Finally, we perform an analysis of the measurement uncertainty of the results and system validation.

Keywords:laser triangulation, data filtering, circle fit, measurement uncertainty, Python, development and design

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