In this thesis, an analysis of all woody species on the Slovenian red list of endangered flora and the list of protected native species was done. The main goals were to find out how the threat status of woody species on the two lists compares to the other species onthe lists, whether all species on the red list are appropriately categorized, whether there are new species that meet the criteria for the red list, but are not yet on it, and whether there are species worthy of inclusion on the list of protected native species. A literature review was conducted analyzing each species on the two lists, which was followed by a review of the literature on potential additional species for the lists. It was found that woody species on the two lists represent a smaller proportion than in the entire flora of Slovenia, that the endangerment categories on the red list have been changed for 20% of all woody species, that 12 new candidate species have been proposed for the red list, and that it would be useful to add at least some species to the list of protected native species.