
Izzivi sodobnega oglaševanja
ID Kadunc, Anamarija (Author), ID Demšar, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomske naloge je raziskati problematiko sodobnega oglaševanja, predvsem nekatere njegove etične vidike, in ugotoviti, ali se potrošniki, podjetja in oglaševalske agencije zavedajo te problematike in kako se z njo spoprijemajo. Teoretični del diplomskega dela se dotika osrednje tematike diplomske naloge, tj. oglaševanja. Prva poglavja teoretičnega dela se navezujejo na predstavitev oglaševanja in njegovega razvoja, naslednji sklop poglavij se navezuje na predstavitev modernega oglaševanja, njegove pristope in potrošnikovo dojemanje tovrstnega oglaševanja, v zadnjem sklopu teoretičnega dela pa so predstavljeni delovanje oglaševalskih agencij in izzivi, s katerimi se oglaševanje v sodobnem času sooča. Praktični del diplomske naloge sestavljata dva sklopa. V prvem sklopu je predstavljeno namišljeno oglaševalsko podjetje z definiranimi vrednotami, poslanstvom in vizijo. Drugi sklop praktičnega dela predstavljajo tri ankete, ki so bile izvedene in analizirane z namenom odkrivanja, na kakšen način in ali se potrošniki, podjetja in oglaševalske agencije zavedajo problematike sodobnega oglaševanja ter kako se z njo spoprijemajo. V poglavju z rezultati z razpravo so, na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov, predstavljene analize treh anket, izvedenih med potrošniki, podjetji in oglaševalskimi agencijami. Glavne ugotovitve razprave o rezultatih anket so: - uporabniki se najpogosteje srečajo z oglaševanjem na spletu in družabnih omrežjih, kar slabša njihovo uporabniško izkušnjo in jih odvrača od nakupa; - podjetja se soočajo z vedno bolj zahtevnimi potrošniki; - v oglaševanju se pojavlja vse več neetičnih in nepoštenih pristopov, vse v želji po čim večjem dobičku; zaposleni v oglaševalskih agencijah so primorani opravljati dela, ki se ne skladajo z njihovimi etičnimi načeli.

Keywords:oglaševanje, potrošniki in njihove pravice, etika in etična načela, vrednote
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151798 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Challenges of modern advertising
The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the problems of modern advertising, especially some of its ethical aspects, and to find out whether consumers, companies and advertising agencies are aware of this problem and how they deal with it. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the main topic of the thesis, i.e. e. advertising. The first chapters of the theoretical part are related to the presentation of advertising and its development, the next set of chapters are related to the presentation of modern advertising, its approaches and the consumer's perception of this type of advertising, and the last part refers to the presentation of advertising and its development. The theoretical part presents the operation of advertising agencies and the challenges faced by advertising in modern times. The experimental part of the thesis consists of two parts. The first part presents an imaginary advertising company with defined values, mission and vision. The second part of the practical work consists of three surveys, which were carried out and analyzed in order to find out whether and how consumers, companies and advertising agencies are aware of and deal with the problems of modern advertising. The results and discussion section presents the analysis of three surveys carried out among consumers, businesses and advertising agencies, based on the results obtained. The main findings of the discussion on the results of the surveys are: - users are most often confronted with advertising on the web and social media, which degrades their user experience and discourages them from buying; - businesses are faced with increasingly demanding consumers; - more and more unethical and dishonest approaches are being used in advertising, all in the name of maximizing profits; - advertising agency employees are forced to do work that is not in the line with their ethical principles.

Keywords:advertising, consumers and their rights, ethics and ethical principles, values

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