
Vpliv tečaja plavanja na moč dihalnih mišic pri otrocih : magistrsko delo
ID Valenčič, Alja (Author), ID Kapus, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V primerjavi z dihanjem na kopnem je dihanje med plavanjem omejeno in ovirano, kar vpliva tudi na dihalne mišice. Prav tako vadba za moč dihalnih mišic izboljša plavalni rezultat posameznikov (Nahtigal, 2015). Namen naloge je bil ugotoviti učinke vadbe plavanja na moč dihalnih mišic in pljučni volumen otrok. Učinke smo primerjali z učinki vadbe plezanja. V raziskavo smo vključili 18 otrok, starih od 6 do 10 let, polovica se je ukvarjala z rekreativnim plavanjem in je sodelovala kot eksperimentalna skupina, druga polovica z rekreativnim plezanjem in je predstavljala kontrolno skupino. Vsi preizkušanci so izvedli začetno in zaključno meritev, s katero smo merili moč dihalnih mišic, vmes pa je potekal desettedenski vadbeni proces z vadbo enkrat na teden. Rezultati so pokazali, da pri največjem pritisku ob vdihu po zaključku vadbe pri obeh skupinah ni prišlo do izboljšanja. Pri največjem pritisku ob izdihu po vadbenem obdobju pa je prišlo do statistično značilnih razlik le pri kontrolni skupini in ne tudi pri eksperimentalni. Pri merjenju vpliva tečaja plavanja na forsirano vitalno kapaciteto in forsiran izdih v prvi sekundi smo ugotovili, da med skupinama v končnih meritvah ni prišlo do statistično značilnih razlik v forsirani kapaciteti in v začetnem forsiranem izdihu v prvi sekundi. Pokazalo se je značilno izboljšanje forsiranega izdiha v sekundi in njenega deleža napovedi pri plavalcih glede na začetno stanje. Primerjali smo tudi meritve vitalne kapacitete članov eksperimentalne in kontrolne skupine. Prišli smo do ugotovitve, da ni prihajalo do značilnih razlik v končnih meritvah vitalne kapacitete. Vitalna kapaciteta se ni značilno spremenila tako pri prvi kot drugi skupini. Pri eksperimentalni skupini smo po koncu vadbenega obdobja ugotovili le značilno povečanje deleža njene napovedi. Zaključimo lahko, da je rekreativna vadba plavanja pri testiranih otrocih prinesla nekatera, a vendarle zanemarljiva, izboljšanja moči dihalnih mišic. Enkrat tedenska vadba ni bila dovolj za viden napredek v pljučnih kapacitetah. Verjetno je bilo pri otrocih, ki so začetniki v plavanju, premalo izdihov v vodo, da bi bil učinek na moč izdihalnih in vdihalnih mišic večji.

Keywords:plavanje, moč dihalnih mišic, dihanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151745 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:173243651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of swimming course on the strength of the respiratory muscles in children
Compared to breathing on land, breathing while swimming is restricted and obstructed, also affecting the respiratory muscles. Also, training for respiratory muscle strength improves the swimming performance of individuals (Nahtigal, 2015). The purpose of the task was to determine the effects of swimming exercise on the strength of the respiratory muscles and lung volume of the child. The effects of regular swimming were compared with the effects of climbing. We included 18 children between the ages of 6 and 10 in the research, half engaged in recreational swimming and participated as an experimental group, the other half engaged in recreational climbing and represented the control group. All subjects performed an initial and final measurement to measure the strength of the respiratory muscles. Between measurements there was a 10-week training process. They attended it once a week. The results showed that there was no improvement in maximal inspiratory pressure after the training period in both groups. At maximum expiratory pressure, after the training period, there were statistically significant differences only in the control group but not in the experimental group. When measuring the influence of the swimming course on the forced vital capacity and forced expiratory volume in 1 second, we found that there were no statistically significant differences between the groups in the final measurements. It has been shown that there is a significant improvement in the forced expiratory volume in 1 second and its proportion of prediction in swimmers compared to baseline. We also compared the vital capacity measurements of the experimental and control groups. We found that there were no significant differences in the final vital capacity measurements. The vital capacity did not change significantly in both the first and second groups. In the experimental group, after the end of the training period, we found only a significant increase in the proportion of its prediction. We can conclude that recreational swimming practice in the tested children brings some, but still negligible, improvement in the strength of the respiratory muscles. Exercising once a week was not enough for visible progress in lung capacity, and children who are beginners in swimming do not yet practice exhaling in the water enough, which over time can show in greater strength of expiratory and inspiratory muscles.

Keywords:swimming, strength of respiratory muscles, breathing

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