
Vsebnost biogenih aminov v suhih salamah na slovenskem trgu
ID Radović, Boris (Author), ID Polak, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V nalogi smo ugotavljali vsebnost biogenih aminov in gama-amino butanojske kisline (GABA) v 28 vzorcih salam s slovenskega trga. V drugem delu magistrske naloge pa smo preverjali vpliv temperature (5 °C, 15 °C in 25 °C) in časa (7 dni, 30 dni in 90 dni) skladiščenja salam na tvorbo biogenih aminov in GABA. Glede na povprečno količino zaužitih salam v Sloveniji smo ugotovili, da je bila meja za biogene amine v suhih salamah med 120 in 500 mg/kg, koncentracije nad 1000 mg/kg pa lahko imajo že akutne toksične učinke. Najbolj problematični so vazoaktivni biogeni amini, med katerimi sta najpomembnejša histamin in tiramin. Pri 38 % analiziranih vzorcih suhih salam smo določili koncentracijo histamina nad 1000 mg/kg, kar lahko predstavlja tveganje, v 38 % vzorcev pa je bila njegova koncentracija pod 100 mg/kg. Največjo vsebnost tiramina smo določili v vzorcu salame iz divjega prašiča (3659, 80 mg/kg), v 63 % vseh vzorcev pa je bila njegova vsebnost pod 100 mg/kg. Pri vzorcih hitro fermentiranih salam smo določili nižje koncentracije histamina, triptamina, tiramina in putrescina. V drugem delu naloge smo ugotovili, da ima čas skladiščenja negativen vpliv na tvorbo biogenih aminov, saj je njihova koncentracija s časom skladiščenja naraščala, vendar le do 30-ega dne. Med 30 in 90-dnem pa se je njihova koncentracija celo nekoliko zmanjšala. Temperatura skladiščenja je imela velik vpliv na koncentracijo putrescina, tiramina in nekoliko manj na koncentracijo histamina in GABA. Nižja temperatura je pomenila tudi nižjo vsebnost omenjenih biogenih aminov.

Keywords:mesni izdelki, suhe salame, klobase, fermentacija, zorenje, biogeni amini
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[B. Radović]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151740 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:169011971 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Biogenic amines contents in dry fermented sausages on theSlovenian market
In the thesis we were determining biogenic amines and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) contents in 28 samples of dry fermented sausages present in the slovenian market. In the second part of the thesis we analyzed the influence of temperature (5 °C, 15 °C and 25 °C) and storage time (7, 30 and 90 days) of dry fermented sausages on biogenic amines and GABA contents. In reference to the average amount of sausage consumed in Slovenia we determined that safe amount of biogenic amines in dry fermented sausages should be between 120 and 500 mg/kg and that a concentration of 1000 mg/kg causes acute toxicity. In 38 % of analyzed samples we determined histamine in concentration of 1000 mg/kg, of which presents a risk, while another 38 % of the samples had less than 100 mg/kg of it. Largest amount of tyramine was determined in the wild boar sausage sample (3659,80 mg/kg), 63 % of all samples contained less than 100 mg/kg of tyramine. The quick fermentation sausage samples contained below average levels of histamine, tryptamine, tyramine and putrescine. In the second experiment we concluded that time has a negative effect on formation of biogenic amines, their concentration rose with storage time but only until the 30th day. Between the 30th and 90th day concentration actually dropped. Temperature had a big influence on concentrations of putrescine, tyramine and to a slightly lesser degree on histamine and GABA. Lower temperature resulted in lower concentrations of the mentioned biogenic amines.

Keywords:meat products, dry fermented sausages, sausages, fermentation, ripening, biogenic amines

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