
Sodelovanje s starši, izziv ali breme za vzgojitelja : magistrsko delo
ID Šterbenc, Urška (Author), ID Devjak, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sodelovanje med vzgojitelji in starši ter dobra medosebna komunikacija sta pomembna dejavnika kakovostne predšolske vzgoje. Brez pristnih odnosov ni dobrega sodelovanja, medsebojnega zaupanja in posledično razumevanja otrokovega razvoja in vedenja niti usklajenega, skupnega delovanja v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu. Namen magistrskega dela je bil raziskati obstoječe stanje na področju sodelovanja med starši in vzgojitelji. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili formalnopravni vidik sodelovanja med starši in strokovnimi delavci vrtca, ravni in modele sodelovanja ter oblike in metode sodelovanje med vrtcem in družino. Osredinili smo se na medosebne odnose in komunikacijo vzgojitelja s starši, analizirali kompetence in komunikacijske spretnosti vzgojitelja za kakovostno sodelovanje ter opisali pomen profesionalnega razvoja vzgojitelja. Poleg tega, kaj vpliva na uspešno komunikacijo in medosebni odnos, nas je zanimalo tudi, kaj je tisto, kar otežuje in povzroča nezadovoljstvo, konfliktni odnos med vzgojitelji in starši. Izsledki raziskave so pokazali, da med strokovnimi delavci vrtca in starši prevladujejo klasične oblike formalnega sodelovanja in medsebojnega komuniciranja, kot so: obvestila na oglasni deski, govorilne ure, roditeljski sestanki in pogovori med vrati. Za pomembno obliko medsebojnega sodelovanja se je izkazala e-pošta. Medsebojna komunikacija za starejše strokovne delavce ne predstavlja prevelikega stresa, mlajši pa komunikacijo s starši doživljajo bolj stresno. Najbolj obremenjujoče sodelovanje s starši za strokovne delavce je, ko morajo staršem povedati slabo novico o otroku, obisk na domu in uvajanje otroka v vrtec ob navzočnosti staršev. Zadnje predstavlja strokovnim delavcem vrtca tudi večji izziv. Strokovni delavci vrtca si želijo več znanja s področja osebne komunikacije, da bo lahko sodelovanje s starši in med sodelavci kakovostnejše.

Keywords:sodelovanje, komunikacija med vzgojitelji in starši, medosebni odnosi, partnerski odnos, zadovoljstvo, profesionalna rast
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:U. Šterbenc
Number of pages:126 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151723 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:169182979 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Cooperating with Parents, a Challenge or Burden for a Preschool Teacher
Cooperation between preschool teachers and parents and effective interpersonal communication are both important factors of quality preschool education. Without genuine relationships, there can be neither effective cooperation, interpersonal trust and consequently understanding of a child's development and behaviour nor coordinated mutual efforts in the education process. The aim of this master's thesis was to study the current state when it comes to cooperation between parents and preschool teachers. In the theoretical part of the master’s thesis, we defined the legal and formal aspects of cooperation between parents and professional preschool employees, levels and models of cooperation as well as forms and methods of cooperation between a preschool and a family. We focused on interpersonal relationships and communication of a preschool teacher with parents, analysed competences and communication skills of a preschool teacher required for quality cooperation and described the importance of professional growth of a preschool teacher. In addition to what influences effective communication and interpersonal relationships, we wanted to determine what hinders it and causes dissatisfaction and conflicts between preschool teachers and parents. The results of the research showed that professional preschool employees and parents resort to conventional forms of formal cooperation and interpersonal communication, such as notices on the notice board, office hours, parent-teacher conferences and conversations at the door. An important form of interpersonal cooperation proved to be e-mail. Interpersonal communication causes no considerable stress to older professional employees, while younger professional employees experience communication with parents as something rather stressful. The most burdensome cooperation with parents, from the professional employees’ point of view, is telling parents bad news about their child, visiting a family in their home and introducing a child in preschool in the presence of their parents. The latter is the most challenging to professional preschool employees. They desire more skills in the field of personal communication in order to ensure more quality cooperation with parents and between co-workers.

Keywords:cooperation, communication between preschool teachers and parents, interpersonal relationships, partnership, satisfaction, professional growth

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