
Kontekst odločanja volivcev : doktorska disertacija
ID Jeretič, Sebastjan (Author), ID Lukšič, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V tekstu je predstavljen kontekst odločanja volivcev z dejavniki, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri konkretnih analizah posameznih volitev. Predstavljeni so ključni aktualni konjukturni dejavniki, ki sestavljajo prizorišče odločanj, ter ontološki dejavniki človekove narave in narave sobivanja v skupnosti ter duševnega procesa ustvarjanja pomena pri odločanju, ki preddoločajo proces odločanja. Predmet preučevanja, to je odločanje volivcev, je najprej predstavljen z nekaj poudarki teorije demokracije in razprave o njeni današnji domnevni krizi, ki jo avtor vidi kot krizo hegemonije. Sledi predstavitev današnjega hegemonskega zgodovinskega bloka prek matrike razmerij moči opisane s konceptom biopolitike, prek ideološkega boja neoliberalizma, prek ključnih kulturnih in tehnoloških trendov ter prek trendov aktualne politične prakse. Med ontološkimi dejavniki konteksta odločanja volivcev so nato najprej predstavljeni koncepti politične antropologije in politične filozofije, ki preučujejo naravo sobivanja človeka kot političnega bitja, način delovanja moči in način ustvarjanja kontingentne pomenske strukture. Sledi predstavitev biopsihosocialne paradigme, ki se je uveljavila v drugih znanstvenih disciplinah, ki preučujejo človeka. V nadaljevanju je predstavljen koncept utelešenega uma in proces ustvarjanja pomena, način delovanja moči v nevralni arhitekturi človeškega uma, sodobna teorija čustev in ugotovitve vedenjske ekonomije o dveh sistemih odločanja ter bližnjicah do odločitev. Predstavljeni koncepti in teorije drugih disciplin so bili uporabljeni tudi za analizo političnih pojavov, pri čemer so predstavljene ključne raziskave in ugotovitve, ki so pomembne za celovito razumevanje odločanja volivcev. V zaključku so dejavniki moči in duševnega procesa ustvarjanja pomena povezani v biopsihosocialno orodje za orientacijo v okolju, pri čemer je biopsihosocialna paradigma aplicirana za analizo populističnega diskurza. V zaključku so izpostavljene ključne ugotovitve, povzeti odgovori na raziskovalna vprašanja ter predstavljen koncept hegemonije, ki je umeščen v paradigmo utelešenega uma in v nevralno arhitekturo človeškega uma.

Keywords:biopsihosocialni model, čustva, demokracija, hegemonija, pomen, psihologija odločanja, utelešeni um, volitve
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:S. Jeretič
Number of pages:84 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151603 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168123395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Context of Voters' Decisions
This text presents the context of voters’ decisions with factors that have to be acknowledged in the analysis of single elections. The text presents main factors of the current conjecture, that form the “site” of decision making, and ontological factors of human nature and the nature of living together in a community together with factors of the meaning creation process in the human mind, that anticipate decision making. The topic of voters’ decisions is first presented with some elements stressed by the theory of democracy, followed by the presentation of the current debate on the crisis of democracy, that the author sees as a crisis of hegemony. After that the text presents the current hegemonic historical bloc with the matrix of power relations described with the concept of biopolitics and with the ideological battle of neoliberalism, with the main cultural and technological trends, and the trends of the current political praxis. Among ontological factors of the context of voters’ decisions the text then first presents the concepts of political anthropology and political philosophy that study the nature of human living together as a political being, the way power is functioning and the way contingent meaning structures are created. The biopsychosocial paradigm, that has been implemented in other scientific disciplines studying man, is then presented. Followed by the presentation of the concept of the embodied mind and the process of meaning creation, the way power is functioning in the neural architecture of the human mind, current theory of emotions, and the concepts of behavioral economy of two decision making systems with shortcuts to decisions that man uses. The presented concepts and theories of other disciplines were used also for the analysis of political phenomena, of which the most important for the holistic understanding of voters’ decisions are presented. Power and the mental process of meaning creation are then integrated to present the tool for orientation of a person in its environment, while the biopsychosocial paradigm is applied for the analysis of populist rhetoric. In the conclusion the main findings are stressed, with the answers to research questions, and the concept of hegemony that is embedded in the paradigm of the embodied mind and the neural architecture of the human mind.

Keywords:biopsychosocial model, emotions, democracy, hegemony, meaning, psychology of decision making, embodied cognition, elections

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