
Epektaza in apokatastaza pri Gregorju iz Nise
ID Krapež, Dominik (Author), ID Ciglenečki, Jan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu Epektaza in apokatastaza pri Gregorju iz Nise je podana podrobna analiza dveh osrednjih konceptov v misli enega ključnih očetov zgodnje Cerkve, Gregorja iz Nise (ok. 335–395). Začenjamo s kratkim orisom njegovega življenja, ki nam omogoča vpogled v zgodovinsko in teološko ozadje njegovih naukov. Razumevanje človeka kot »Božje podobe« je osvetljeno skozi predstavo dveh stvarjenj, kjer z drugim stvarjenjem Bog predvidi padec človeka. Simbol kožnih oblačil postane nato ključen za Gregorjevo razumevanje padlega človeka. Koncept epektaze (iztezanja) je razdeljen na več segmentov, pri čemer je poseben poudarek na nenehnem duhovnem napredovanju, ki ga Gregor izpostavi v mnogih svojih delih, med drugim tudi v spisu O Mojzesovem življenju. V njem je Mojzes predstavljen kot simbol krepostnega življenja, kjer se človek svojimi deli nenehno izteza k Bogu. V zaključnem delu naloge je predstavljen koncept apokatastaze (obnove), s poudarkom na Gregorjevem nadaljevanju naukov svojih predhodnikov, Klementa (ok. 150–215) in Origena (ok. 185–253). Zasnovo za rešitev in dokončno obnovo človeške narave Gregor prepoznava v Kristusovi vlogi »drugega Adama«. Skozi celotno diplomsko nalogo se bo razkrila Gregorjeva vizija človekove narave, njegovega odnosa z Bogom in končne usode v luči Božje ljubezni in odrešenja.

Keywords:Gregor iz Nise, patristična filozofija, krščanstvo, epektaza, apokatastaza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:D. Krapež
Number of pages:45 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151478 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:214146307 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.10.2023
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Title:Epectasis and Apocatastasis in Gregory of Nyssa
The BA thesis Epectasis and Apocatastasis in Gregory of Nyssa provides a detailed analysis of two central concepts in the thought of one of the key early Church Fathers, Gregory of Nyssa (c. 335–395). We begin with a brief outline of his life, which gives us an insight into the historical and theological background of his teachings. The understanding of man as the »image of God« is illuminated through the notion of two creations, where God foresees the fall of man with the second creation. The symbol of the garments of skin becomes crucial to Gregory's understanding of fallen man. The concept of epectasis (stretching out) is divided into several segments, with a particular emphasis on the continual spiritual progression that Gregory highlights in many of his works, including The Life of Moses. In it, Moses is presented as a symbol of the virtuous life, where man continually reaches out to God through his works. In the final part of the thesis, the concept of apokatastasis (restoration) is presented, with an emphasis on Gregory's continuation of the teachings of his predecessors, Clement (c. 150–215) and Origen (c. 185–253). Gregory identifies the design for the salvation and definitive restoration of human nature in Christ's role as the »second Adam«. Throughout the thesis, Gregory's vision of human nature, its relationship with God and its ultimate destiny in the light of God's love and redemption will be revealed.

Keywords:Gregory of Nyssa, patristic philosophy, Christianity, epectasis, apocatastasis

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