
E-storitve za občane izbranih občin : diplomsko delo
ID Donev, Jasmina (Author), ID Keržič, Damijana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uporaba e-storitev na lokalni ravni ima velik potencial za uresničevanje demokratičnih procesov in sodelovanje prebivalcev občin. S pomočjo informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije je postalo takšno sodelovanje občanov in lokalne uprave enostavnejše in lažje izvedljivo. Občani imajo možnost sodelovanja pri ustvarjanju politik in vplivanju na pomembne odločitve v svoji občini s pomočjo e-orodij, ki so ponujena na spletnih straneh izbranih občin. Vendar se vseeno postavlja vprašanje, v kolikšni meri in na kakšen način so zainteresirani za sodelovanje. Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti smernice, določila in strategije digitalizacije na lokalni ravni, ponudbo e-storitev na spletnih straneh izbranih občin ter s pomočjo ankete ugotoviti, kakšen interes za uporabo e-storitev v izbranih občinah imajo občani v različnih starostnih skupinah. V raziskovalnem delu smo s pomočjo kvantitativne metode anketiranja pridobili odgovore na vprašanji, v kolikšni meri so občani seznanjeni z možnostjo uporabe e-storitev v svoji občini in kakšno je njihovo zanimanje za uporabo e-storitev. Vprašalnik je bil v dveh izbranih občinah v celoti izveden elektronsko z objavo na spletnih straneh občine, v tretji občini pa s pomočjo družbenih omrežij in e-pošte. V diplomskem delu smo ugotovili, da občani vseh treh občin stremijo k elektronskemu načinu sodelovanja s svojo občino, ki je vedno dostopen in enostaven. Rezultati so pokazali, da je le majhen delež mladih pripravljen sodelovati s svojo občino, zato menimo, da je tem na področju še veliko manevrskega prostora za vključitev mlajše in računalniško pismene populacije v procese e-participacije ter e-demokracije.

Keywords:e-storitve, e-orodja, e-demokracija, e-participacija, informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija, občani
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Donev]
Number of pages:X, 53 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151460 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:171020547 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:E-services for citizens in selected municipalities
E-services at the local level represent a great potential in the implementation of democratic processes and the participation of residents at the local level. With the help of information and communication technology, such cooperation between citizens and local administrations has become simpler and easier to implement. Citizens can participate in the creation of policy and to influence important decisions in their municipality with the help of e-tools that are offered on the websites of selected municipalities. However, the question still arises, to what extent are citizens interested in participating in what way? The purpose of the work is to study the guidelines, provisions, and strategies of digitization at the local level, to examine the offer of e-services on the websites of selected municipalities and, with the help of surveys, to determine the interest in using e-services in the selected municipalities among different age groups of citizens. In the research work, with the help of a quantitative survey method, we obtained answers to what extent citizens were aware of the possibility of using e-services in their municipality and what their interest in using only these is. In two of the selected municipalities, the questionnaire was conducted entirely electronically, with publication on the municipality's website, while in the third municipality, it was conducted using social networks and e-mail. In the thesis, we found that the citizens of all three municipalities aspire to an electronic way of cooperating with their municipality, because it is always accessible and easy. The results showed that only a small percentage of young people are ready to cooperate with their municipality, so we believe that there is still a lot of room for maneuver in the field of youth participation, which offers opportunities for the younger population, who is computer literate, to be involved in the process of e-participation. and e-democracy to a greater extent.

Keywords:e-services, e-tools, e-democracy, e-participation, information and communication technology, citizens

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