
Na Hyeseok in “nova ženska”: študija o ideji “nove ženske” skozi perspektivo Na Hyeseok
ID Habjan, Daša Zoya (Author), ID Kang, Byoung Yoong (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sta predstavljeni ideja “Nove ženske”, ki se je v Koreji pojavila na začetku 20. stoletja, in Na Hyeseok ter njene ideje o Novi ženski. Na Hyeseok se je z Novo žensko prvič srečala na Japonskem, kamor je ideja prišla z Zahoda na prelomu iz 19. v 20. stoletje. Na Hyeseok je to idejo skupaj z drugimi izobraženkami, ki so študirale na Japonskem, na začetku 1920. let prinesla v Korejo. V tem času se je v kolonizirani Koreji začelo obdobje “kulturnega vladanja”, kar je pomenilo, da so bili različni mediji ponovno dovoljeni, čeprav še vedno zelo cenzurirani. Ideja Nove ženske se je tako lahko hitro razširila med javnostjo in kmalu postala ena glavnih tem novih izobražencev in izobraženk. Tako so se v središču pozornosti znašle tudi Na Hyeseok in njene ideje ter predstave o Novi ženski. Nova ženska se je v Koreji v prvi vrsti zavzemala za enakopravnost in žensko osvoboditev ter zagovarjala nove feministične ideje, ki so v tem obdobju preko prevodov tujih del prihajale na korejski polotok. Glavne med njimi so bile ideje o izobraževanju žensk, ideja o “svobodnem razmerju in ljubezni” (jayu-yeonae 자유연애) ter zavračanje teorije čistosti (jeongjo-ron 정조론). Te ideje so bile za tedanjo korejsko družbo zelo radikalne in za mnoge preveč “zahodnjaške” ter premalo nacionalno ozaveščene. To skupaj z dejstvom, da se je mnogo glavnih predstavnic Nove ženske zapletlo v ljubezenske in druge afere, je predstavljalo dva glavna razloga, da se ideje niso razširile med Korejkami in posledično doživele zato na začetku 1930. let. Danes sta tako Na Hyeseok in Nova ženska predstavljeni kot prvi feministični figuri v sodobni korejski zgodovini in prvi borki za enakopravne pravice žensk v Koreji.

Keywords:Na Hyeseok, nova ženska, korejska zgodovina žensk, žensko vprašanje v Koreji, feminizem v Koreji
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151410 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.10.2023
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Title:Na Hyeseok and the “New Woman”: A Study Of the Idea of “New Woman” through the lens of Na Hyeseok
The thesis presents the idea of the "New Woman", which emerged in Korea at the beginning of the 20th century, and Na Hyeseok and her ideas about the New Woman. Na Hyeseok first encountered the New Woman in Japan, where the idea came from the West at the turn of the 20th century. Na Hyeseok, together with other educated women who had studied in Japan, brought the idea to Korea in the early 1920s. At this time, colonized Korea was entering a period of 'cultural rule', which meant that various media were once again allowed, although still heavily censored. The idea of the New Woman was thus able to spread quickly among the public and soon became one of the main themes of the newly educated intellectuals. Thus, Na Hyeseok and her ideas and perceptions of the New Woman came into the limelight. The New Woman in Korea was primarily concerned with equality and women's liberation and advocated new feminist ideas that were coming to the Korean peninsula during this period through translations of foreign works. The main ones were the ideas of women's education, the idea of "free relationship and love" (jayu-yeonae 자유연애) and the rejection of the theory of chastity (jeongjo-ron 정조론). These ideas were very radical for the Korean society of the time and for many too "Westernized" and lacking in national consciousness. This, coupled with the fact that many of the New Woman's main spokespersons were involved in love and other affairs, were two of the main reasons why the ideas did not spread among Korean women and consequently did not catch on in the early 1930s. Today, both Na Hyeseok and the New Woman are presented as the first feminist figures in modern Korean history and the first fighters for equal rights for women in Korea.

Keywords:Na Hyeseok, New Woman, Korean Women’s History, Women’s Issue in Korea, Feminism in Korea

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