
Religije na Kavkazu
ID Barbo, Pavel (Author), ID Zupančič, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kavkaz je eno izmed najbolj kulturno, jezikovno in versko raznolikih območij na svetu. Težka prehodnost goratega reliefa, pomembna strateška lega, zapletena zgodovina, težnje in vplivi sosednjih držav, so le nekateri izmed razlogov za tako etnično, jezikovno in versko pestrost regije. Delo se osredotoča na versko raznolikost tamkajšnjega prebivalstva. Na podlagi analize statistik, kartografskih prikazov in opisov v literaturi so prikazane religije, s katerimi se srečamo na preučevanem območju, analizirana je njihova številčnost, prostorska razporeditev, njihov družbeni položaj ter razmerja med njimi. Najprej so predstavljene same religije, opredeljen je njihov položaj in njihov pomen v družbi. Nekaj pozornosti je namenjene tudi konfliktom, ki se v zvezi z religijami pojavljajo na Kavkazu. V analizi skušam pojasniti, kako religije vplivajo na kulturno pokrajino ter na življenje prebivalstva, s predpostavko, da imajo religije na Kavkazu poleg vpliva na samo versko življenje prebivalcev pomembno vlogo tudi v politiki, družbi, v medsebojnih odnosih in so izredno pomemben oblikovalec narodne identitete številnih kavkaških ljudstev.

Keywords:družbena geografija, Kavkaz, religija, islam, pravoslavje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151399 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Religions of the Caucasus
The Caucasus is one of the most culturally, linguistically, and religiously diverse regions in the world. The challenging terrain of its mountainous relief, its strategic importance, complex history, and influences from neighbouring countries are just a few of the factors contributing to the region's rich tapestry of ethnicities, languages, and religions. This study primarily focuses on the religious diversity of the local population. Through the analysis of statistical data, cartographic representations, and literary descriptions, we aim to shed light on the religions present in the region, including their prevalence, spatial distribution, societal status, and interrelationships. The various religions found in the Caucasus are introduced, their positions are outlined, and their significance in society is explained. Additionally, this study pays attention to the numerous conflicts that have arisen in connection with religions in the Caucasus. In the analysis, I strive to elucidate how religions impact the cultural landscape and the lives of the inhabitants, assuming that aside from their influence on the residents' religious life, religions in the Caucasus play a vital role in politics, society, interpersonal relations, and are instrumental in shaping the national identity of numerous Caucasian peoples.

Keywords:human geography, Caucasus, religion, Islam, Orthodox Christianity

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