
ID Ravšelj, Manca (Author), ID Čehovin, Eduard (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V prvem delu diplomskega dela sem se posvetila zgodovini horizontalnega formata in ključnim mejnikom, ki so ga zaznamovali. Osredotočila sem se na področje filma, kadra in montaže, saj menim, da imajo ključni pomen pri kreiranju zgodbe znotraj vertikalnega formata. V nadaljevanju sem se posvetila začetkom, spremembam in rabi vertikalnega videa kot sredstva vizualnega komuniciranja, ki jih je vnesla digitalna tehnologija s prihodom pametnega telefona in družbenih omrežij. V zaključnem delu pa sem predstavila potek izvedbe praktičnega dela in se dotaknila izzivov, s katerimi sem se soočala. Svetlobna hitrost razvoja tehnologije in relativna mladost vertikalnega videa sta me vodili k pridobivanju informacij in strokovnih člankov, dostopnih tudi na internetu. Svoje razmišljanje sem kreirala s pomočjo lastnih izkušenj iz obdobja zadnjih desetih let, odkar aktivno delam in sodelujem pri projektih s področja televizijske in video produkcije.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, video, digitalni mediji, vertikalni format, vertikalni video, horizontalni format, kadriranje, film, montaža, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151361 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The mountain
In the first part of my thesis, I focused on the history of the horizontal format and the key milestones that marked it. I focused on the field of film, framing and editing, as I consider them to be of key importance in creating a story within a vertical format. In the following, I devoted myself to the beginnings, changes and use of vertical video as a means of visual communication, introduced by digital technology with the arrival of the smartphone and social networks. In the final part, I presented the course of the practical work and touched on the challenges I faced. The lightning speed of technology development and the relative youth of vertical video led me to obtain information and professional articles also available on the Internet. I have created my thinking with the help of my own experiences from the period of the last ten years, since I have been actively working and participating in projects related to the field of television and video production.

Keywords:visual communication, video, digital media, vertical format, vertical video, horizontal format, framing, film, editing, BA thesis

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