
Razvoj turizma na kmetiji v Beli krajini
ID Janjac, Klara (Author), ID Cigale, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Turizem na kmetiji predstavlja povezovalni steber med kmetijstvom in turizmom in je na njej tudi ena najbolj zahtevnih dopolnilnih dejavnosti. Glavni namen magistrskega dela je proučiti in analizirati trenutno stanje turizma na kmetiji v Beli krajini, njegov pomen za nosilce turistične dejavnosti, obenem pa tudi proučiti učinke turizma na kmetiji. Na podlagi obstoječe literature in anketne raziskave smo prišli do ugotovitev, da se turizem na kmetiji v Beli krajini ne razvija v pozitivno smer. Vendar pa je pri razvoju te turistične dejavnosti mogoč napredek, ki se bi dosegel predvsem z večjim sodelovanjem ponudnikov in turistične organizacije RIC Bela krajina ter občin na proučevanem območju, saj bi lahko oblikovali skupne turistične produkte , pri čemer bi morali še vedno stremeti k ohranjanju avtentičnosti in tradicionalnosti podeželja za prihodnje generacije.

Keywords:geografija turizma, Bela krajina, dopolnilne dejavnosti, turizem na kmetiji
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151335 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.10.2023
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Title:Development of farm tourism in Bela krajina
Farm tourism is a link between agriculture and tourism and is one of the most demanding subsidiary activities. The main purpose of the master’s thesis is to study and analyse the current state of farm tourism in the Bela Krajina region and its importance for tourism operators, and to examine the effects of farm tourism. On the basis of the existing literature and a questionnaire survey, we have come to the conclusion that farm tourism in Bela Krajina is not developing in a positive direction. However, there is room for improvement, which could be achieved in particular through greater cooperation between tourism providers, the tourist organization RIC Bela Krajina and the municipalities in the studied area, e.g. by developing joint tourism products, while still aiming to preserve the authenticity and traditional character of the countryside for future generations.

Keywords:geography of tourism, Bela krajina, subsidiary activities, farm tourism

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