
Implementacija direktive o potrošniških kolektivnih tožbah v državah članicah
ID Božič Rihtaršič, Lucija (Author), ID Vlahek, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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25. novembra 2020 je Evropska unija sprejela enega izmed bolj pričakovanih pravnih instrumentov, prvi zavezujoči pravni akt, ki naj bi ustvaril evropski sistem kolektivnih pravnih sredstev za uveljavljanje tako opustitvenih kot tudi odškodninskih ukrepov. Direktivo 2020/1828 o zastopniških tožbah za varstvo kolektivnih interesov potrošnikov in razveljavitvi Direktive 2009/22/ES so države članice Evropske unije morale prenesti v nacionalni pravni red do 25. decembra 2022 z začetkom učinkovanja ter uporabe za tožbe, ki so bile vložene 25. junija 2023 ali kasneje. Zaradi kompleksnosti področja kolektivnih tožb veliko državam članicam ni uspelo pravočasno prenesti Direktive 2020/1828. Namen magistrskega dela je bralcu celovito predstaviti razvoj kolektivnih tožb v Evropski uniji ter pomen Direktive 2020/1828 o zastopniških tožbah za države članice in njihove pravne rede. V magistrskem diplomskem delu je uvodoma predstavljen razvoj kolektivnih tožb na ravni Evropske unije, nato pa sledi analiza Direktive 2020/1828 o zastopniških tožbah, skupaj s predstavitvijo prenosov izbranih določb v pravne rede držav članic, ki so do 15. 6. 2023 obvestile Evropsko komisijo o prenosu Direktive. Podrobneje so predstavljene določbe držav članic glede pogojev, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati subjekti, da lahko vložijo notranje zastopniške tožbe, določbe glede načinov vključitve udeležencev v postopek, tako imenovani sistem vključitve (opt - in) ali sistem izključitve (opt - out) in določbe glede dopustnosti financiranja s strani tretjih oseb. Nato sledi prikaz trenutno veljavne slovenske pravne ureditve kolektivnih pravnih sredstev v Zakonu o kolektivnih tožbah (ZKolT), skupaj s predlogom novele zakona ZKolT-A, ki bo implementirala Direktivo 2020/1828.

Keywords:kolektivne tožbe, skupinski postopki, prenos direktive, nacionalni pravni redi držav članic, Direktiva 2020/1828 o zastopniških tožbah.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151200 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:169611523 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2023
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Title:Implementation of the consumer collective redress directive in the member states
On 25 November 2020, the European Union adopted one of its more anticipated legal instruments, the first binding legal act to create a European system of collective redress for both injunctive and damages actions. Directive 2020/1828 on representative actions for the protection of consumers' collective interests and repealing Directive 2009/22/EC must be transposed by the Member States of the European Union by 25 December 2022, with effect and application for actions brought on or after 25 June 2023. Due to the complexity of the area of collective actions, many Member States have failed to transpose Directive 2020/1828 in time. The aim of the master’s thesis is to provide the reader with a comprehensive overview of the development of collective actions in the European Union and the relevance of the Directive 2020/1828 on representative actions for the Member States and their legal systems. The master’s thesis starts with an introduction to the development of collective actions at the level of the European Union, followed by an analysis of Directive 2020/1828 on representative actions, together with a presentation of the transposition of selected provisions into the legal systems of the Member States which have notified the European Commission of the transposition of the Directive by 15 June 2023. The provisions of the Member States on the conditions to be met by entities in order to bring internal representative actions, the provisions on the ways in which participants may be included in the procedure, the so-called opt-in or opt-out system and the provisions on the admissibility of third-party funding are presented in more detail. This is followed by an overview of the current Slovenian legal regime for collective redress in the Act on Collective Actions (ZKolT) and a proposal for an amendment to the Act ZKolT-A, which will implement Directive 2020/1828.

Keywords:collective redress, collective preceedings, transpostion of directive, national legal orders of member states, Directive 2020/1828 of representative actions.

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