
Integrativna umetnostna terapija: pregled temeljnih izhodišč v povezavi z obstoječimi pristopi v evropskem prostoru : pregled temeljnih izhodišč v povezavi z obstoječimi pristopi v evropskem prostoru
ID Majerhold Ostrovršnik, Jerica (Author), ID Vidrih, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Potočnik, Robert (Comentor)

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Umetnostna terapija je mlada in razvijajoča se disciplina, ki od druge polovice 20. stoletja dobiva vse večji pomen. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljena umetnostna terapija ter njene definicije skozi čas in zgodovino. Zanimal nas je tudi trikotniški odnos med terapevtom, uporabnikom in nastalo podobo. Podrobno smo pogledali historično-kulturno vlogo integrativne umetnostne terapije. Preučili smo integrativno umetnostno terapijo, ki se izvaja v praksi, navedi koristne napotke in vaje za izvajanje le-nje. V empiričnem delu smo odgovorili na tri raziskovalna vprašanja, dva z analitično deskriptivno analizo, za zadnjega smo uporabili raziskovalni, individualni, standardizirani, neposredni intervju. Sestavili smo osem vprašanj in jih poslali strokovnjakom tega področja v Evropi in Ameriki. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da temelji integrativne umetnostne terapije segajo daleč v zgodovino človeštva, ritualov in obredov. Raziskava je pokazala tudi razliko v pristopu in uporabi integrativne umetnostne terapije med Evropo in Ameriko. V Evropi integrativna umetnostna terapija pomeni uporabo največ dveh izraznih umetnostnih področji, velikokrat v integraciji s psihoterapevtskimi pristopi. V Ameriki je uporaba drugačna, tam se osredotočajo na prehode med izraznimi umetnostnimi področji, posledično jih integrirajo več. Rezultati raziskave prispevajo k temeljnemu pregledu umetnostne terapije in integrativne umetnostne terapije, ter bodo v pomoč tako študentom pomoči z umetnostjo, kot strokovnjakom v praksi.

Keywords:umetnostna terapija, integrativna umetnostna terapija, kulturno-historično vloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Majerhold Ostrovršnik
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (137 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151181 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-151181 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166515459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Integrative Arts Therapy: An Overview of the Basic Premises in Relation to Existing Approaches in the European Context : an owerview of the basic premises in relation to existing approaches in the European context
Arts therapy is a young and developing discipline that has gained increasing importance since the second half of the 20th century. The theoretical part presents arts therapy, its definitions throughout time and history. We were also interested in the triangular relationship between the therapist, the user and the resulting image. We looked in detail at the historical and cultural role of integrative arts therapy. We examined the integrative arts therapy that is implemented in practice, listed useful instructions and exercises for practicing. In the empirical part, we answered three research questions, two with analytical descriptive analysis, for the last one we used research, individual, standardized, direct interview. We compiled eight questions and sent them to experts in this field in Europe and America. The results of the research showed that the foundations of integrative arts therapy go back far into the history of humanity, rituals and ceremonies. The research also showed a difference in the approach and use of integrative arts therapy between Europe and America. In Europe, integrative arts therapy means the use of a maximum of two expressive arts fields, often in integration with psychotherapeutic approaches. In America, the use is different, there they focus on the transitions between expressive artistic fields, as a result they integrate more of them. The results of the research contribute to a fundamental review of arts therapy and integrative arts therapy, and will be helpful to both arts therapy students and practitioners.

Keywords:arts therapy, integrative arts therapy, cultural-historical role

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