
Usvojenost lokomotornih spretnosti učencev in učenk od 1. do 5. razreda osnovnih šol s sklopom merskih nalog TGMD-3 : magistrsko delo
ID Kastelic, Anita (Author), ID Kovač, Marjeta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Marinšek, Miha (Comentor)

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Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti razlike v usvojenosti lokomotornih spretnosti slovenskih otrok med 6. in 10. letom starosti. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 332 otrok obeh spolov (51,5 % deklic). Usvojenost lokomotornih spretnosti smo preverili s pomočjo šestih merskih nalog TGMD-3, izvedbe smo posneli in nato ocenili po vnaprej določenih kazalnikih. Ugotovili smo, da med spoloma ni statistično značilnih razlik, majhne razlike so se pokazale le pri nalogi hopsanje v korist deklic. S starostjo je pri večini merskih nalog stopnja usvojenosti lokomotornih spretnosti višja. Pri določenih nalogah smo ugotovili, da otroci v 5. razredu še vedno niso usvojili nekaterih kazalnikov pravilne izvedbe. Najpogostejše napake v izvedbi so bile povezane z usklajenim delom rok in nog. Otroci imajo slabše usvojene spretnosti prisunskih poskokov naprej, skoka v daljino z mesta in poskokov po eni nogi. V slovenskem učnem načrtu za športno vzgojo se nekatere vsebine tematskih sklopov ujemajo z vsemi gibanji, ki jih vključujejo TGMD-3 naloge, zato potrjujemo njihovo primernost za preverjanje gibalnih spretnosti osnovnošolcev. Vsem, ki poučujejo predmet šport, predlagamo, da pri pouku namenijo večjo pozornost različnim skokom in poskokom. Z dečki naj učitelji večkrat izvajajo nalogo hopsanje. Če ima večina otrok težave pri določeni nalogi, naj najprej preverijo njihove gibalne sposobnosti, saj je pri vsaki gibalni spretnosti uspešna izvedba otroka odvisna tudi od ustrezno razvitih gibalnih sposobnosti. S priključitvijo merskih nalog TGMD-3 že obstoječemu šolskemu sistemu SLOfit bi pridobili širši vpogled v gibalni razvoj otroka.

Keywords:gibalni razvoj, lokomotorne spretnosti, merske naloge TGMD-3, osnovnošolci, spol
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151124 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:169341187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Acquisition of the locomotor skills by pupils from the 1st to 5th grades of primary school with the set of measurement tasks TGMD-3
The aim of the master thesis is to present the differences in the acquisition of locomotor skills of Slovenian children between 6 and 10 years of age. The study included 332 children of both gender (51.5% girls). The acquisition of locomotor skills was tested using six TGMD-3 measurement tasks, the performances were recorded and then evaluated according to predefined indicators. We found that there were no statistically significant differences between the gender, with small differences only in the hopping task in favour of girls. For most of the measurement tasks, the acquisition of locomotor skills improves with age. Some indicators for certain tasks were found to be still not mastered by grade 5. The most common performance errors were related to coordinated hand and foot work. Children's skills in the galloping, standing long jump and hopping on one leg were less well acquired. In the Slovenian physical education curriculum, some of the content of the thematic strands corresponds to all the movements included in the TGMD-3 tasks, and we therefore confirm their suitability for testing the motor skills of primary school children. We suggest that all physical education teachers pay more attention to the different jumps and hopps. Teachers should practise the skipping task with boys more often. If most children have difficulties with a particular task, they should first evaluate their motor skills, as for any motor skill, the successful performance of the child depends on the adequately developed motor abilities. Adding the TGMD-3 measurement tasks to the existing SLOfit school system would give a broader insight into the child's motor development.

Keywords:motor development, locomotor skills, measurement tasks TGMD-3, pupils, gender

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