Gledališki govor je umetniški govor s svojimi zakonitostmi. V diplomski nalogi se osredotočim na delo Jeana Racina: Fedra. Odločila sem se za analizo gledališkega govora in literarnofonetično analizo drame. Pri analizi v ospredje postavljam analizo premorov, ki sem jih naredila s pomočjo računalniškega programa Praat in lastno slušno analizo intonacije. Pri tem si pomagam s posnetkom uprizoritve iz leta 2004. Za raziskovanje iz vsakega dejanja izberem prizor ali del prizora in ga analiziram. Zanima me, v kolikšni meri se igralci držijo gledališkega lista in kdaj pride do odstopanja. Prav tako ugotavljam, kako se gledališki govor razlikuje od predpisane kodifikacije, kdaj in zakaj pride do sprememb.
Language: | English |
Title: | Theatrical Speech and Literary and Fonetical Analysis of Phèdre |
Abstract: |
Theatrical speech is a specific artistic language performance. The subject of my thesis is theatrical speech and literary and fonetical analysis of Jean Racine's Phèdre. Its focus is analysis of pauses which was done using computor programme Praat combined with my own avdio analysis of intonation. I study the recordings of Fedra theatrical performance in 2004, analysing one scene or part of it from each act. My focus is to observe to what extend actors follow the text of Phèdre as printed in playbill 2004 and when deviations from it occur as well as to detect in what manner the theatrical speech differs from set codification and when and why changes take place.
Keywords: | Slovene, French literature, French drama, drama, laungage development, theater, theatrical speech, pauses, intonation, phonetics, analysis, Jean Racine, Phèdre |