The thesis is about the voltage regulation of a switching voltage converter using a PID controller. All simulations were conducted in the Matlab program and the Simulink simulation environment.
The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate the operation of the switching voltage converter, simulate it using the mentioned programs, understand the operation of the PID controller, and calibrate it.
The thesis is divided into three main theoretical parts, firstly explaining the theory of the switching voltage converter's operation and the calculation of needed elements, which would help with the realization of a circuit.
The second part presents the theory of the operation and calibration of individual components of the PID controller using the Ziegler-Nichols method.
The third part introduces the analog model of the controller and its composition, as well as the theory of the discrete-time controller and two problems along with their solutions.
Functions used in the code for simulating graphs, exporting data, and processing are also presented in the thesis. It also disscusses the ideas for further research and improvements to the simulations.