In the context of this thesis, options of controlling different laser architectures were
researched. The main focus was on controlling a simple MOPA fibre laser and a solid-state
laser. Both laser systems are controlled using modules which make up the controlling chain.
It has been designed based on the Arduino Due microcontroller and Raspberry Pi mini
personal computer. The microcontroller is connected to Raspberry Pi and to the control
module. The control module is connected to the laser. Communication between modules is
carried out by UART and SPI serial communication protocols. The laser system is controlled
via user interface, which can be accessed through a touchscreen display. The
microcontroller, Raspberry Pi and touchscreen are all mounted in a compact housing. Solid-state laser can be fully controlled with the compact and simple laser control system, at the
same time the system can also provide control over the MOPA fibre laser. The MOPA fibre
laser is quite complex, as a result it needs several control modules to operate. The researched
control system is only able to control one control module.