
Vpliv toplotne izolacije zunanjih sten na bruto notranjo površino stavbe : diplomska naloga št.: 444/B-GR
ID Sušec, Miha (Author), ID Pajek, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Breznik, Jana (Comentor)

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Stanovanjska problematika in višje cene stanovanj v urbanem okolju, zlasti v Ljubljani, spodbujajo razmislek o izkoriščanju parcel ter povečano potrebo po učinkoviti rabi energije. Zaradi le-tega se pogosto vzpodbuja izkoriščanje parcel do maksimalne meje in preučuje izzive učinkovite rabe energije, ki zadevajo vse debelejšo toplotno izolacijo zunanjih sten. Cilj raziskave je ugotoviti optimalno točko investicije v dodatno izolacijo glede na prihranke energije in potencialno izgubo dobička zaradi manjše bruto notranje površine stavbe. Pri raziskavi smo v metodah upoštevali tri različne tipe stavb (enostanovanjska stavba, vila blok, večstanovanjska stavba), za katere smo pripravili po tri primere konstrukcijskih sklopov za vsak nosilni material (leseni endoskelet, leseni eksoskelet, opeko in armirani beton). Pri vsakem konstrukcijskem sklopu smo pripravili tri primere glede na debelino toplotne izolacije na zunanji strani in v zadnjem koraku izračunali toplotne izgube. S pomočjo modela posplošene vrednosti za hiše smo ocenili vrednost enostanovanjskega objekta, pri vila bloku in večstanovanjskem objektu pa smo iskali le točko, pri kateri vrednosti na kvadratni meter nepremičnine se dodatna izolacija izplača, in tako dobili končno rezultate, ki so nam pokazali, da se dodatna toplotna izolacija od minimalno predpisane na območju Ljubljane zaradi visokih cen kvadratnega metra nepremičnine ekonomsko ne izplača. Naša raziskava je razkrila, da je vprašanje dodatne toplotne izolacije stavb kompleksno in večplastno, saj vključuje dinamične cene nepremičnin, prihodnje podražitve energentov, tehnološke napredke ter specifične značilnosti stavb in njihove okolice.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomske naloge, UNI, B-GR, toplotna izolacija, zunanje stene, bruto notranja površina, stavba, energijska učinkovitost, faktor toplotne prehodnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Sušec]
Number of pages:XIV, 44 str., 5 str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151000-789316f0-8830-f2fa-6153-f5bb8f5de4cc This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:169024771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of thermal insulation of external walls on the gross internal area of a building : graduation thesis no.: 444/B-GR
Residential issues and higher property prices in urban environments, especially in Ljubljana, prompt consideration of land utilization and an increased need for efficient energy use. Consequently, there is often an encouragement to maximize parcel utilization and examine the challenges of efficient energy use, particularly in relation to a thicker external wall thermal insulation. The research aims to determine the optimal point of investment in additional insulation concerning energy savings and potential profit loss due to reduced gross internal building area. In the study, we considered three different types of buildings (single-family house, residential villa, multi-apartment building) and prepared three examples of construction assemblies for each structural material (wooden filigree construction, wooden planar construction, brick and reinforced concrete). For each construction assembly, we prepared three examples based on the thickness of external thermal insulation, and in the final step, calculated heat losses. Using the generalized value model for houses, we assessed the value of a single-family property. For the residential villa and multi-apartment building, we sought only the point at which the added insulation becomes cost-effective per square meter of real estate, obtaining conclusive results that demonstrate that additional thermal insulation in the Ljubljana area isn't cost-effective due to high per-square-meter property prices. Our research has unveiled that the matter of additional building thermal insulation is intricate and multilevel, encompassing dynamic real estate prices, future energy cost increases, technological advancements, and the specific characteristics of buildings and their surroundings.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, thermal insulation, external walls, gross internal area, building, energy efficiency, thermal transmittance coefficient

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