
Uresničevanje ustavne določbe o zagotavljanju primernih stanovanj na primeru glavnega mesta : diplomsko delo
ID Todić, Danijela (Author), ID Brezovar, Nejc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Stanovanjski problem je vse bolj izrazit tako v Republiki Sloveniji kot tudi drugod po Evropi. Veliko mladih se v današnjem času srečuje s stanovanjskim problemom oziroma reševanjem prvega stanovanjskega problema. Vsak mlad posameznik svojo avtonomijo dosega s samostojnim bivanjem, kjer gre za ključno točko pri osamosvajanju v življenju. V današnjem času pa si vedno manj prebivalcev lahko zagotovi primerno stanovanje glede na tržne najemnine. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V diplomskem delu sta uporabljeni deskriptivna in komparativna metoda. Opisan je pojem stanovanja, primerno stanovanje, predstavljena je ustavna pravica do primernega stanovanja, delovanje republiškega stanovanjske sklada in občinskih skladov, vrste najemnih stanovanj ter stanovanjska politika. V empiričnem delu pa smo na podlagi sekundarnih, že obstoječih podatkov, pridobljenih iz člankov in letnih poročil, predstavili standarde primernih stanovanj in primerjali politiko primernih neprofitnih stanovanj v mestu Dunaj in Ljubljani. Na podlagi opisanih politik smo predstavili razlike. Cilj teoretičnega dela je predstaviti pregled literature na podlagi deskriptivne metode, cilj empiričnega dela pa je predstaviti standarde primernih stanovanj in politiko neprofitnih stanovanj na Dunaju in Ljubljani, ter ugotoviti razlike obravnavanih politik. Na podlagi analize smo ugotovili, da se politiki zagotavljanja primerno dostopnih stanovanj v nekaterih pomembnih pogledih precej razlikujeta. Politika primernih stanovanj v Ljubljani je vsebinsko zelo splošno opredeljena in ne zasleduje natančnih potreb najemnikov v določenem življenjskem obdobju. Na podlagi politike primernih stanovanj na Dunaju pa smo ugotovili, da je politika že od samega začetka dobro zastavljena in ta omogoča najemnikom cenovno dostopna in primerna stanovanja.

Keywords:primerno stanovanje, trg nepremičnin, stanovanjska politika, dunajski stanovanjski model, stanovanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Todić]
Number of pages:XII, 45 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150984 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:167037699 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Implementation of constitutional provision on providing suitable housing on the example of the capital city
The housing problem is progressively more pronounced both in the Republic of Slovenia and elsewhere in Europe. Today, many young people are also facing housing problems or solving their first housing problem. Every young individual achieves his autonomy by living independently, which is said to be a key point in becoming independent in life. Nowadays, fewer and fewer residents can secure a suitable apartment based on market rents. The thesis consists of theoretical and empirical work. In the thesis, descriptive and comparative methods are used. The concept of housing,suitable housing and constitutional right to suitable housing is described. The operation of the republican housing fund and municipal funds, types of rental housing, and housing policy are presented. In the empirical work, based on existing secondary data obtained from articles and annual reports, we presented the standards of suitable housing and compared the policy of suitable non-profit housing in the cities of Vienna and Ljubljana. Based on the described policies, we presented the differences. The theoretical work aims to present a review of the literature, based on the descriptive method. The empirical work aims to present the standards of suitable housing and the policy of non-profit housing in Vienna and Ljubljana to identify the differences between the considered policies. Our analysis has shown that policies for the provision of affordable housing differ significantly in some important aspects. The policy on suitable housing in Ljubljana is defined very broadly and does not address the particular needs of tenants at a certain point in their lives. However, based on Vienna's suitable housing policy, we have found that the policy has been well designed from the beginning which provides tenants with affordable and suitable housing.

Keywords:suitable apartment, real estate market, housing policy, Vienna housing model, apartment

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