
Uravnavanje izražanja CAR-T z uporabo himernega razgrajevalca proteinov ARV-471
ID Udvanc, Rebeka (Author), ID Fink, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ob uporabi celičnih terapij s celicami CAR-T prihaja do neželenih imunskih reakcij, kot sta sindrom sproščanja citokinov in nevrotoksičnost. Te se po večini zdravi šele, ko se pojavijo simptomi, zaradi česar je uspešnost zdravljenja omejena. Optimizacijo terapij s celicami CAR-T je možno doseči z načrtovanjem hitrih in reverzibilnih varnostnih stikal za izklop in vklop celic CAR-T na osnovi majhnih molekul. V okviru magistrskega dela smo razvili varnostno stikalo na osnovi himernega razgrajevalca proteinov (PROTAC) ARV-471, ki specifično cilja in razgradi estrogenski receptor (ER). Izražanje CAR smo preučevali s pretočno citometrijo in testom ELISA na celičnih linijah Jurkat, ki so stabilno izražale spremenjene CAR z dodanim estrogenskim receptorjem (ER). Rezultati so pokazali, da dodatek PROTAC ARV-471 povzroči razgradnjo CAR z vezanim estrogenskim receptorjem alfa ali beta. Pokazali smo, da se s povečevanjem količine PROTAC ARV-471 zmanjšuje procent maksimalnega CAR izražanja in koncentracija IL-2 pri ER-pozitivnih CAR celičnih linijah. Pokazali smo tudi, da stimulacija celic s PROTAC ARV-471 in 4-OHT ob povečevanju količine 4-OHT rezultira v povečevanju procenta maksimalnega CAR izražanja in koncentracije IL-2 pri ER-pozitivnih CAR celičnih linijah, kar dela sistem reverzibilen.

Keywords:ARV-471, CAR degradacija, CAR-T, celična terapija, imunoterapija raka, molekularna stikala, OHT, PROTAC, razgrajevalci proteinov, varnostna stikala
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150969 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166143747 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2023
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Title:Regulation of CAR-T expression using a proteolysis-targeting chimera ARV-471
Adverse immune reactions such as cytokine release syndrome and neurotoxicity occur with CAR-T cell therapies. These are mostly treated only after symptoms appear, limiting the success of the treatment. Optimisation of CAR-T cell therapies can be achieved by designing rapid and reversible ON- and OFF- safety switch chimeric antigen receptors controlled by small molecules. As a part of our MSc thesis, we have developed a safety switch based on a proteolysis-targeting chimera (PROTAC) ARV-471, which specifically targets and degrades the estrogen receptor (ER). CAR expression was studied by flow cytometry and ELISA on Jurkat cell lines stably expressing modified CARs with added estrogen receptor (ER). The results showed that addition of the PROTAC ARV-471 induced degradation of CARs with bound estrogen receptor alpha or beta. We showed that increasing the amount of PROTAC ARV-471 decreases the percentage of maximal CAR expression and the IL-2 concentration in ER-positive CAR cell lines. We have also shown that stimulation of cells with PROTAC ARV-471 and 4-OHT with increasing amounts of 4-OHT results in an increase in the percentage of maximal CAR expression and IL-2 concentration in ER-positive CAR cell lines, making the system reversible.

Keywords:ARV-471, CAR degradation, CAR-T, cell therapy, cancer immunotherapy, molecular switches, OHT, PROTAC, protein degraders, safety switches

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