
Optimizacija fotografskega delokroga in procesa dela v podjetju Unicasting
ID Fabjan, Hana (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z magistrskim delom smo želeli optimizirati prostor in potek dela kasting agencije Unicasting ter s tem zagotoviti kakovostnejše fotografije in video posnetke, ki se jih odda naročnikom, učinkovitejše delovanje podjetja in večje zadovoljstvo zaposlenih. Opazovali in opisali smo proces dela v podjetju in definirali naše cilje. Optimizacijo smo začeli z uporabo metode 5s za ureditev prostora, v katerem je potekal kasting, da smo omogočili enostavnejše delo ter ustvarili prijetnejše okolje za zaposlene in kandidate. Sledilo je poenotenje orodij, ki so se uporabljala za delo in komunikacijo med zaposlenimi. To smo dosegli z uporabo Google orodij, ki so se izkazala kot najbolj cenovno in uporabno primerna rešitev. V zadnjem delu raziskovanja pa smo z optimizacijo osvetlitve prostora za avdicije Unicastinga izboljšali kakovost fotografij in posnetkov, zajetih med kastingom. Pri tem smo si pomagali s programom set.a.light 3D in iskali rešitve z upoštevanjem mnogih prostorskih in funkcionalnih omejitev. Kljub temu smo dosegli dovolj dobre rezultate, da smo poenotili končni izgled fotografij, ki smo jih zajeli z in brez dodatka naravne svetlobe. Zaradi kakovostnejših posnetkov smo poenostavili proces obdelave in distribucije kasting materiala. S postopnim uvajanjem premišljenih sprememb smo optimizacijo izvedli v predvidenem finančnem okvirju. Pri delu smo upoštevali tudi izkušnje in sposobnosti zaposlenih, ki smo jim ob koncu predali na novo pridobljeno znanje.

Keywords:kasting, metoda 5s, optimizacija dela, studijska portretna fotografija, program set.a.light 3D
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2023
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Title:Photography workflow and process of work optimization at Unicasting
The aim of our master's thesis was to optimize the space and workflow of the Unicasting casting agency in order to ensure better quality of photographs and video footage for clients, more efficient company operations, and greater employee satisfaction. We observed and described the company's work process to define our goals. Our optimization began with using the 5S method to organize the casting area, allowing for easier work and creating a more pleasant environment for employees and candidates. We then unified the tools used for work and communication among employees using Google tools, which proved to be the most cost-effective and functional solution. In the last part of the research, we improved the quality of photographs and videos taken during casting by optimizing the lighting of the Unicasting audition room. We used the set.a.light 3D program to help us find solutions while considering many spatial and functional limitations. Despite this, we achieved good enough results to equalize the final appearance of the photos taken with or without addition of natural light. Due to the higher quality of the footage, we simplified the process of processing and distributing casting material. We carried out the optimization within the given financial framework by gradually introducing thoughtful changes. We also considered the experience and abilities of the employees, to whom we passed on the newly acquired knowledge at the end of the project.

Keywords:casting, 5s method, workflow optimization, studio portrait photography, program set.a.light 3D

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