
Učinki dela na domu za zaposlene na ministrstvih : magistrsko delo
ID Ženko, Lina (Author), ID Kozjek, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ne le med pandemijo, z delom na domu se zaposleni srečujejo tudi po njej, zato magistrsko delo proučuje pozitivne in negativne učinke ter izzive dela na domu za zaposlene na ministrstvih v Sloveniji. Raziskava je bila izvedena z metodo anketiranja. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da večini anketirancev najbolj ustreza hibridni način dela, saj zanje delo na domu prinaša različne pozitivne učinke, nima večjih negativnih učinkov in jim ne povzroča večjih izzivov. Na splošno imajo anketiranci dobro mnenje o načinu vodenja njihove vodje pri delu na domu, ugotovljena pa je bila pozitivna povezanost med mnenji zaposlenih o načinu vodenja pri delu na domu in njihovim zadovoljstvom. Večina anketirancev zaposlenih na vodstvenih delovnih mestih nima večjih izzivov pri vodenju zaposlenih na domu, vendar so bile ugotovljene določene razlike med posameznimi skupinami vodij, in sicer imajo moški vodje pri delu na domu pogosteje težave z zaupanjem v delo zaposlenih v primerjavi z ženskami; mlajši vodje pa v primerjavi s starejšimi pogosteje dvomijo o svojih sposobnostih za učinkovito vodenje zaposlenih na domu. Predlaga se, da se zaposlene, ki nasprotujejo delu na domu, organizira usposabljanje za učinkovito delo na domu in se individualno obravnava njihove izzive. Priporočljiva so tudi redna srečanja s sodelavci v živo, saj se s tem ohranja stike in povezuje sodelavce. Hkrati pa je potrebno tudi vodje ozavestiti o željah in izzivih zaposlenih ter jim nuditi oporo pri vodenju zaposlenih med delom na domu. Organizacijam se predlaga, da hibridni način dela obravnavajo kot možnost za povečanje zadovoljstva zaposlenih ter hkrati zmanjšajo fluktuacijo.

Keywords:delo na domu, učinki dela na domu, učinki na zaposlene, zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, javna uprava, ministrstva, vodenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Ženko]
Number of pages:X, 81 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150911 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166994435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of homeworking on ministry employees
Working from home was not only practiced during the pandemic but also in post-pandemic times, therefore the present master's thesis aims to examine the positive and negative effects and challenges faced by employees of the Slovenian ministries working from home. The research was conducted using the survey method. As established by the survey, the majority of respondents find the hybrid work policy most convenient for them, maintaining that there certainly are many different benefits of working from home. For the majority of respondents, working from home has no major negative effects and poses no major challenges for them. Respondents generally have a positive opinion regarding the leadership and guidance provided by their heads or managers while working remotely, and at the same time, a positive correlation was found between employee satisfaction and their perception of the manner in which the remote work is managed. The survey results illustrate that the majority of respondents in managerial positions have no major challenges in managing those working from home. However, some differences were found between different groups of managers, with male managers, when compared to female managers, more likely to have trust issues regarding employees working from home, while younger managers, in comparison with senior managers, are more likely to have doubts about their abilities to manage remote workers effectively. Employees who are not in favour of homeworking should be given special training on how to work effectively from home, while their challenges and concerns regarding remote work shall be addressed individually. It would also be a good idea to have regular face-to-face meetings with work colleagues, as this is a way of maintaining contact and fostering employee connections. At the same time, managers are to be informed about the wishes and challenges of their employees, and they shall also be given support in managing their remote employees. Organizations shall be encouraged to consider the hybrid work policy as an opportunity to increase employee satisfaction while at the same time reducing work fluctuations.

Keywords:working from home, effects of working from home, impact on employees, employee satisfaction, public administration, ministries, leadership

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