
Vpliv izmenične obdelave medvrstnega prostora znotraj vinogradov na kakovost tal
ID Zrnec Drobnjak, Tanja (Author), ID Zupanc, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zupan, Marko (Comentor)

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Za doseganje želene rodnosti trt ter kakovosti grozdja je potrebno korektno izvajanje agro-ampelotehničnih ukrepov. Pomembnejši agrotehnični ukrep je obdelava tal medvrstnega prostora vinograda, pri katerem je potrebno upoštevati okoljske razmere, potrebe trte in druge naravne danosti območja. Namen naloge je bil ugotoviti razlike v kakovosti redno kultiviranega oziroma obdelanega (OBT) medvrstnega prostora vinogradnih tal in tal medvrstnega prostora s trajno ozelenitvijo (OZT). Poskus smo opravili v treh vinogradih Purissima, Baredi in Ricorvo v lasti Vinakoper d.o.o. v vinorodnem okolišu Slovenska Istra. Na vseh treh lokacijah so vinogradi postavljeni vzdolž plastnic na evtričnih rjavih tleh na karbonatnem flišu, v katerih je izmenjujoče upravljanje medvrstnega prostora (kultiviran in trajno zelenjen) več kot deset let. S poskusom smo potrdili, da imajo OZT tla medvrstnega prostora vinograda v povprečju večjo vsebnost organske snovi, boljšo obstojnost strukturnih agregatov ter posledično boljše lastnosti, ki so odvisne od strukture. V OBT brez rastlinskega pokrova z obdelavo prekinemo kapilarni dvig ter tako zmanjšamo izhlapevanje vode. V vinogradu z največjo gostoto tal, kjer so se izsledki najbolj razlikovali od ostalih dveh obravnavanih vinogradov, smo ugotovili, da s porušenjem strukture tal omogočimo boljšo infiltracijo na tleh brez rastlinskega pokrova. Glede na dobljene rezultate priporočamo izmenično trajno ozelenitev v medvrstnem prostoru vinogradov, saj z ozelenitvijo ohranjamo kakovostna tla z večjo vsebnostjo organske snovi in dobro strukturo ter z golo obdelavo v vsaki drugi vrsti zagotovimo večjo dostopnost vode vinski trti. Za podrobnejše izsledke bi bilo v prihodnje potrebno razširiti raziskavo, dodati izsledke o talni mikrobni dejavnosti ter večletne podatke o količini in kakovosti pridelka pri različnih načinih upravljanja vinogradnih tal.

Keywords:vinograd, obdelava medvrstnega prostora, trajna ozelenitev, obdelana tla, lastnosti tal, organska snov, vodozadrževalne lastnosti, struktura, infiltracija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150824 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165738755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of inter-row cultivation in vineyards on soil quality
Correct implementation of agro-ampelotechnical measures and appropriate cultivation of the soil between the rows according to the needs and natural conditions of the vineyard are the key to achieving the desired vine productivity and grape quality. The study aims to determine the differences in soil quality between regularly tilled soils without vegetative cover and permanent green cover. The experiment was carried out in three vineyards, Purissima, Baredi and Ricorvo, owned by Vinakoper d.o.o. in the wine-growing region of Slovenska Istra. In all three locations, the vineyard is laid out along the layer lines of a slope on eutric brown soils (Cambisol) on carbonate flysch, where permanent rotational cultivation of the inter⠒row space has been carried out for more than ten years. The experiment confirmed that the permanently greened soil (OZT) of the vineyard inter-row space has, on average, a higher organic matter content, better persistence of structural aggregates and, consequently, better structure-dependent properties. In treated inter-row space (OBT) without vegetative cover, the treatment interrupts the capillary rise and thus reduces water evaporation. In the vineyard with the highest soil density, where the results differed the most from the other two vineyards considered, we found that breaking down the soil structure allows better infiltration in the soil without vegetative cover. In the light of the results obtained, we recommend alternating permanent green cover in the inter-row space of the vineyards (alternating inter-row cultivation), as use of green cover maintains good quality soils with a higher organic matter content and a good structure, and bare tillage in every other row ensures greater water availability to the vines. For more detailed results, the study should be extended in the future to include results on soil microbial activity and multiannual data on the quantity and quality of yields under different vineyard soil management practices.

Keywords:vineyard, inter-row cultivation, permanent green cover, tilled soil, soil properties, organic matter, water retention properties, soil structure, infiltration

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