
Minimalni končni modeli topoloških prostorov : delo diplomskega seminarja
ID Bezjak, Filip (Author), ID Pavešić, Petar (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za končen topološki prostor $F$ rečemo, da je končen model prostora $X$, če obstaja šibka homotopska ekvivalenca $f: X \to F$. Model je minimalen, če ima izmed vseh modelov najmanjšo kardinalnost. Končnim $T_0$ topološkim prostorom lahko priredimo simplicialne komplekse. Eden izmed glavnih izrekov v delu nam pa pove, da je geometrijska realizacija tega kompleksa šibko homotopsko ekvivalentna začetnemu prostoru. S tem dobimo orodje za iskanje končnih modelov prostorov. V tem delu bomo poiskali minimalne modele topoloških sfer in končnih grafov.

Keywords:končen topološki prostor, šibka homotopska ekvivalenca, homotopska ekvivalenca, delno urejena množica, simplicialni kompleks, graf, sfera
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150818 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:165560323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.09.2023
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Title:Minimal finite models
We say that a finite topological space $F$ is a model of a topological space $X$ if there exists a weak homotopy equivalence $f: X \to F$. A model is minimal if it has the smallest cardinality of all models of a space. Every finite $T_0$ space has its associated simplicial complex. One of the main theorems of this graduate thesis states that the geometric realization of the associated simplicial complex is weak homotopy equivalent to the initial space. This gives us a tool to find finite models of spaces. In this thesis, we will find minimal models of topological spheres and finite graphs.

Keywords:finite topological space, weak homotopy equivalence, homotopy equivalence, partialy ordered set, simplicial complex, graph, sphere

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