When designing stalls, it is essential to take into account the behavioural and physiological needs of the animals. We must provide them with a sufficiently large, comfortable, well-lit and ventilated space to rest, move and act out their behavioural needs. At the same time, the barn should provide the farmer with good conditions for easy and safe work. Based on an in-depth study, we described different housing systems for suckler cows and young cattle and highlighted their advantages and disadvantages. In the second part of the paper, a conceptual design for the construction of a new barn for suckler cows on a family farm was created using Adobe Illustrator CC. The existing barn does not provide optimal rearing conditions; it is poorly ventilated and outdated and requires a lot of manual labour. The new compost barn will be simple and functional and built mainly of wood. The barn will provide space for 15 suckler cows with calves. In addition to the barn, we have planned a storage room for feed, bedding (sawdust) and a manure storage room that is easily accessible by machine. With the construction of the new barn we want to improve the well-being of the animals and facilitate the mechanical work in the barn.