
Pomen raznolikih odprtih bivalnih površin za območja mešane rabe
ID Ogrešević, Ajla (Author), ID Filipič Gorenšek, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Načrtovanje odprtih bivalnih površin je pomemben dejavnik uspešnega razvoja mesta in povezanosti krajev. Odprte bivalne površine, kot so trgi, ulice, parki, rekreacijske površine in drugo, so ključni element mestnega prostora za spodbujanje socialne interakcije in različnih oblik telesne dejavnosti. V diplomski nalogi so obravnavane vse vrste odprtih bivalnih površin, ki so po mnenju prebivalcev slovenskih mest nujni gradnik vsakega mesta. Mreža odprtih bivalnih površin uokvirja celotno podobo mesta in ji daje svojstven pomen. Glavni cilj naloge je prikazati pomen odprtih bivalnih površin za območja mešane rabe prostora. Iz tega namreč izhaja ugotovitev, da imajo odprta bivalna območja pomembno vlogo pri ustvarjanju vitalnosti urbanega prostora območij mešane rabe. Vitalnost je povezana s tem, kako ljudje uporabljajo prostor. Če so odprti bivalni prostori dobro zasnovani in nudijo funkcionalne dejavnosti za različne generacije, se število ljudi na takšnem območju poveča. S tem se bistveno vpliva tudi na ekonomičnost tega prostora, spodbujajo se gospodarske investicije in pritegne se ljudi, ki te odprte bivalne prostore uporabljajo. V tej perspektivi je načelo funkcionalnega coniranja stanovanjskih, poslovnih in industrijskih površin netrajnostno. Pomembno je snovati in prenavljati mesta in mestne predele na način, da so večuporabna in ljudem dostopna, kar neposredno vpliva tudi na zmanjšanje vsakodnevnih prometnih migracij.

Keywords:odprte bivalne površine, javni prostor, mešana raba prostora, trg, ulica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150741 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:186318851 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The importance of diverse open living spaces for mixed-use areas
The planning of open living areas is an important factor in the successful development of the city and the connection of places. Open living spaces such as squares, streets, parks, recreational areas and more are a key element of urban space to encourage social interaction and various forms of physical activity. In the diploma thesis, all types of open living spaces are discussed, which, according to the inhabitants of Slovenian cities, are a necessary building block of every city. The network of open living areas frames the entire image of the city and gives it its own meaning. The main goal of the assignment is to show the importance of open living areas for areas of mixed use of space. From this comes the conclusion that open living areas play an important role in creating the vitality of the urban space of mixed-use areas. Vitality is related to how people use space. If open living spaces are well designed and offer functional activities for different generations, the number of people in such an area increases. This has a significant impact on the economy of this space, encourages economic investments and attracts people who use these open living spaces. In this perspective, the principle of functional zoning of residential, commercial and industrial areas is unsustainable. It is important to design and renovate cities and urban areas in such a way that they are multi-use and accessible to people, which also directly affects the reduction of daily traffic migration.

Keywords:open living areas, public space, mixed use of space, square, street

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