
Vpliv geometrije mreže in različnih vrst signalizacije točk na kakovost koordinat predorske podzemne geodetske mreže : magistrsko delo št.: 167/II. GIG
ID Novak, Anja (Author), ID Urbančič, Tilen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Savšek, Simona (Comentor)

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V vsakem predoru so prisotna različna geodetska dela, vse od umeščanja v prostor do kontrolnih meritev v času obratovanja. V magistrskem delu smo se odločili analizirati vpliv različnih vrst signalizacije točk geodetske mreţe ter vpliva različne geometrije geodetske mreţe na kakovost izravnanih koordinat. Uporabili smo tri različne vrste signalizacije, in sicer običajno veliko prizmo, ki smo jo prevzeli kot referenčno, mini prizmo ter v predoru vsakodnevno uporabljeno odsevno tarčo. Vpliv geometrije mreţe smo analizirali za dve različni rešitvi. Pri prvi rešitvi uporabimo vse meritve, t. j. po pet merjenih točk naprej in nazaj z vsakega stojišča poligona, pri drugi rešitvi pa med posameznimi stojišči upoštevamo le polovico merjenih točk. V analizo smo vključili rezultate izravnav, ko smo dane točke izbrali na različno dolgih odsekih. Rezultat analize je 9 različnih variant izravnav, 6 za mini prizmo ter 3 za odsevno tarčo. Ugotovili smo, da z odsevno tarčo in mini prizmo dobimo zanemarljivo majhna odstopanja v natančnostih izravnanih koordinat. Zato je za merjenje pomikov na dnevni bazi v predorih ustrezna odsevna tarča, ki je cenovno bolj ugodna ter dostopna.

Keywords:geodezija, magistrska dela, GIG, predor, geodetska mreža, vrste signalizacije, odsevna tarča, mini prizma, velika prizma
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Novak]
Number of pages:VIII, 39 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150725-7b83f548-7398-857f-6362-e915197351f0 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:178465795 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of network geometry and different types of point signalization on the quality of tunnel underground geodetic network coordinate : master thesis no.: 167/II. GIG
Each tunnel involves different surveying activities, from siting to control measurements during operation. In this master thesis we decided to analyse the influence of different types of geodetic grid point signalling and the influence of different geodetic grid geometries on the quality of the smoothed coordinates. We used three different types of signaling, namely the usual large prism, which we took as a reference, a mini-prism and a reflective target used daily in the tunnel. The effect of the grid geometry was analysed for two different solutions. The first solution uses all measurements, i. e. five measured points back and forth from each stand of the polygon, while in the second solution, only half of the measured points are taken into account between each stand. The results of the balancing exercise, where points were selected on different lengths of road sections, were included in the analysis. The analysis results in 9 different offset variations, 6 for the mini-prism and 3 for the reflective target. We found that with a reflective target and a mini-prism, we obtain negligibly small deviations in the precision of the aligned coordinates. Therefore, a reflective target, which is more affordable and accessible, is suitable for measuring displacements on a daily basis in tunnels

Keywords:geodesy, master thesis, tunnel, geodetic network, signalization, reflective target, mini prism, round prism

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