
ID Zupanc, Marina (Author), ID Visočnik, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sodobna japonska družba se sooča s številnimi izzivi in težavami, kot so staranje prebivalstva, gospodarska stagnacija, deflacija, nizka rodnost in socialna izolacija. Starejši vse pogosteje umirajo doma, v zdravstvenih ustanovah pa v veliki meri primanjkuje zdravstvenih delavcev, zlasti oskrbovalcev. Kaže, da bo v prihodnje ta problem postal vse večji, trenutno pa se višajo stroški za oskrbo in s tem državni dolg. V skladu s postaranim prebivalstvom se država prilagaja novi stvarnosti. Pojav samotnih smrti kodokushi je izraz, ki se nanaša na situacije, ko ljudje umrejo sami v svojih domovih, ne da bi bili odkriti dlje časa.. Na Japonskem je ta fenomen spodbudil razpravo in sprožil množične ukrepe za reševanje tega problema. Kot protiutež pojava »samotnih smrti« je Japonska uvedla ukrepe, kot so sosedska pomoč, redni pregled stanovanj in programi za prostovoljna dela. Roboti, namenjeni oskrbi starejših, so del vladnega načrta Japonske za reševanju problema pomanjkanja kadra, zlasti v zdravstvu. Pri robotih za oskrbo ločimo »servisne robote«, ki pomagajo uporabniku pri vsakodnevnih opravilih, in družabne robote, ki se z uporabniki pogovarjajo. Roboti olajšajo delo oskrbovalcem pri premagovanju fizičnih bremen, kar pa omogoča kakovostnejšo nego. Kljub svojim omejitvam ne moremo zanikati potenciala, ki ga imajo roboti kot podpora pri oskrbi starejših.

Keywords:oskrba starejših, roboti za nego, staranje prebivalstva, samotna smrt, pomanjkanje delavcev
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150704 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Elderly care and robotics in Japan
Robots designed to take care of elderly are part of the Japanese government's plan to tackle staff shortages, particularly in the healthcare sector. This problem will seem to become more acute in the future, and as in now, the cost of care is rising, increasing the national debt. In line with an ageing population, the country is adapting to the new reality. Various institutions are working to attract as many students as possible who want to work in elderly care. To counterbalance the phenomenon of "kodokushi" ( 孤 独 死 ) lonely deaths, Japan has introduced measures such as neighbourhood assistance, regular housing inspections, volunteer work programmes meanwhile government guidelines emphasise the important role of local residents in creating a community where everyone feels accepted and fulfilled in their collective dependence on one another. The reasons for the phenomenon of lonely death are portrayed by the media as an abandonment of traditional values, while academic work links the phenomenon to social isolation and other factors. In the case of care robots, we distinguish between service robots サービスロボット [saabisu robotto], which help the user with everyday tasks, and social robots, which communicates with the user. The acceptance of robots is an important factor in their development. Robots in care have quite a few shortcomings in communication for example expressing empathy towards the patient. There are also doubts about the protection of personal information. Despite the limitations, the potential of robots to support elderly care cannot be denied.

Keywords:elderly healthcare, healthcare robots, aged society, lonely death, workforce shortage

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