
Arhitektura kot jezik in jezik v arhitekturi
ID Ozmec, Katja (Author), ID Čeferin, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Naloga se osredotoča na povezave med arhitekturo in jezikom, ki jih obravnava v obliki dveh tematskih sklopov – arhitekture kot jezika in jezika v arhitekturi. Poudarja pomen konceptov arhitekture kot jezika in ohranjanje ter razvijanje arhitekturi lastnega jezika kot orodja, ki arhitektu omogoča, da se v javnih razpravah postavi za interese svoje stroke. Kar pa je danes, v obdobju arhitekturne krize pomena in jezika, nujno. Pomembnost povezave med arhitekturo in jezikom so prepoznali že postmodernisti, vendar so se v svojem razvijanju znašli v nekaterih slepih ulicah. Za slednje naloga ugotovi, da so se v redefinirani obliki prenesle v sedanjost. Naloga se najprej posveti kronološkemu pregledu razumevanja arhitekture kot jezika, da bi dokazala produktivnost obravnavanega vprašanja za arhitekturno teorijo in prakso. Obširneje predstavi glavno kritiko vprašanja arhitekture kot jezika, ki je kritika arhitekturne semiotike, ter izpostavlja semantično metodo analize kot produktivnejši način iskanja pomena v arhitekturi. Trenutno arhitekturno krizo pomena naloga povezuje z ekonomskimi motivi naročnikov in investitorjev. Sistem jezika v arhitekturi naloga predstavlja kot sestavljenega iz vizualnega jezika in kritičnih razprav, ki jih deli na zaprt in skupni jezik. Slednji, ki si ga arhitekturna stroka deli z javnostjo, vidno postaja vse manj lasten arhitektom in vse bolj podvržen tržni logiki. Naloga izpostavlja, da je treba za ohranjanje arhitekture kot avtonomne miselne prakse, ki je tudi umetnost, ponovno zahtevati uporabo arhitekturi lastnega jezika tudi v javnih razpravah.

Keywords:jezik v arhitekturi, arhitektura kot jezik, postmodernizem, sporočilnost, semiotika, kriza pomena
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FA - Faculty of Architecture
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150620 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166244611 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Architecture as a language and language in architecture
The thesis focuses on the links between architecture and language, which it addresses in the form of two thematic strands - architecture as language and language in architecture. It emphasises the importance of the concepts of architecture as language and the preservation and development of architecture‘s own language. The thesis first undertakes a chronological overview of the understanding of architecture as language in order to demonstrate the productivity of the issue at hand for architectural theory and practice. The thesis presents the critique of postmodernist semiotics, and highlights the semantic method of analysis as a more productive way of searching for meaning in architecture. The dimension of language in architecture is examined via a critique of postmodernist architectural language, exposing the limitations and cul-de-sacs encountered within its visual expression. The thesis concludes that this legacy, although redefined, resonates in contemporary era, intertwined with economic motivations of clients and investors, thus catalyzing an existing crisis of architectural meaning. The thesis presents the system of language in architecture as consisting of a visual language and critical debates, which it divides into a closed and a shared language. The latter, which the architectural profession shares with the public, is visibly becoming less the architects‘ own and more subject to marketing logic. The thesis points out that in order to preserve architecture as an autonomous practice, which is also an art, it is necessary to reclaim the use of architecture‘s own language, especially in public debates.

Keywords:language in architecture, architecture as language, postmodernism, signification, semiotics, crisis of meaning

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