
Spor o empiriokriticizmu in njegov pomen za sovjetski marksizem
ID Kralj, Nejc (Author), ID Vörös, Sebastjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Predmet obravnave magistrskega dela bo odmevni spor o empiriokriticizmu v ruski marksistični filozofiji, katerega protagonista sta bila tedaj najvidnejša člana boljševiškega krila ruske socialdemokratske delavske stranke Aleksandr Aleksandrovič Bogdanov in Vladimir Iljič Lenin. Čeprav politična zaveznika, sta se v filozofskih prepričanjih močno razlikovala. Lenin je v vprašanjih teorije sledil ortodoksnemu materialistu Georgiju Plehanovu, ki je bil sicer menjševik, medtem ko je Bogdanov s svojimi somišljeniki (predvsem Bazarovim, Lunačarskim, Gorkim) razvijal novo pozitivistično različico marksizma, temelječo na Machovem in Avenariusovem fenomenalizmu. Srčika spora je bilo vprašanje realnega obstoja »reči na sebi«. Lenin je zastopal njeno realnost in spoznavnost skozi njeno odsevanje v obliki predstave, medtem ko je Bogdanov dejanskost prisojal le »elementom«. Slednje je pripeljalo do velikih razlik v spoznavnih teorijah obeh avtorjev. Po Leninovem mnenju se znanstveniki skozi čas približujejo objektivni resnici. Za Bogdanova je zunanji svet le socialno organiziran kompleks elementov, medtem ko je individualno spoznanje le subjektivna percepcija že danega socialno organiziranega izkustva. Predmet znanosti tako ni absolutna resnica, ampak je sama izraz vladajoče ideologije.

Keywords:Vladimir Lenin, Aleksandr Bogdanov, marksizem, materializem, boljševiki, empiriokriticizem, ideologija, spoznavna teorija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150613 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168090883 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Empirio-criticism Controversy and its Relevance for Soviet Marxism
The subject of the master's thesis will be the dispute about empirio-criticism in Russian Marxist philosophy, the protagonists of which were the then most prominent members of the Bolshevik wing of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Bogdanov and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Although political allies, they differed greatly in their philosophical beliefs. In matters of theory, Lenin followed the orthodox materialist Georgy Plekhanov, who was otherwise a Menshevik, while Bogdanov and his associates (mainly Bazarov, Lunacharsky, Gorky) developed a new positivist version of Marxism based on phenomenalism of Mach and Avenarius. The heart of the dispute was the question of the existence of "things-in-themselves". Lenin defended their reality and knowability through their reflections in our representations, while Bogdanov assigned actuality only to "elements". This led to great differences in the epistemological theories of the two authors. According to Lenin, scientists approach the objective truth over time. For Bogdanov, the external world is only a socially organized complex of elements, while individual knowledge is only a subjective perception of an already given socially organized experience. The object of science is thus not absolute truth, but the very expression of the ruling ideology.

Keywords:Vladimir Lenin, Aleksandr Bogdanov, Marxism, materialism, Bolsheviks, empirio-criticism, ideology, epistemology

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