The bark beetles (Tomicus spp.) belong to harmful organisms that need to be regularly monitored by the public forestry service. Monitoring can be conducted using control traps, with various baits employed. The main objective of this thesis was to compare the effectiveness of two different baits: a combination of ethanol and α-pinene, and the pheromone Tomowit. For the purposes of our study, we utilized slit traps (MultiWit), five with the Tomowit pheromone, and five with the combination of ethanol and α-pinene. These traps were placed in a stand of Scots pine in Bistrica pri Naklem (OE Kranj) for a period of 10 weeks. In total, 1172 specimens of beetles (Coleoptera) from 20 different families were captured in all traps combined. Within the subfamily of bark beetles (Scolytinae), 17 different species were captured, with three xylo-mycetophagous species being the most represented: Xyleborinus saxesenii, Trypodendron lineatum, and Xylosandrus germanus. The two target species, T. piniperda and T. minor, were represented in the capture by 103 and 5 individuals. More members of the Tomicus genus were caught in traps using the ethanol and α-pinene mixture as bait; however, despite this, we did not discover any statistically significant differences between the two tested baits. The Tomowit pheromone proved to be more specific. Considering the relatively low number of captured individuals and practically no damage in the surrounding forests, we assume that the population of Tomicus bark beetles in our research area is small.