
Tok emocij / Oddaljenost bližine
ID Mramor, Meta (Author), ID Grafenauer, Petja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pak, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: A4C5EDCFCD017EC42415280E96742222

Osredotocam se na vidik podozivljanja custvenih situacij, ki jih je sprozila pandemija, pri cemer izhajam iz Komunikacijskega modela umetniske izkusnje. Moje raziskovanje se dotakne sprememb na podrocju medcloveskih odnosov med in po pandemiji, zato se opiram na literaturo iz relacijske estetike in umetnosti, ki intersubjektivnost in interakcije vidita kot izhodisce in koncni rezultat umetniske prakse (participativna umetnost, druzbeno angazirana umetnost, dialoske umetniske prakse). Poudarek je na kvazi objektih, ki kot povezovalni cleni s svetlobno-zvocnim generiranjem informirajo udelezence o medsebojni blizini. Kvazi objekti niso kot objekti pasiven del sveta, temvec so aktivni posredniki, ki vplivajo na interakcijo s subjektom. S svetlobnimi steklenimi kvazi telesi poskusam vzpostaviti komunikacijo med udelezenci, ko z gibanjem po prostoru vstopajo na 'podrocje menjav'. Barvna svetlobna signalizacija, ki se spreminja ob različni oddaljenosti do objekta, prikazuje priblizujoco se nevarnost ob prestopu meje telesne in druzbene razdalje, ki je veljala v casu zascitnih ukrepov med pandemijo koronavirusne bolezni. S premikanjem po prostoru se spreminjajo vidni drazljaji, ki jih proizvajajo kvazi objekti in s pomocjo katerih udeleženci vstopajo v odnose z drugimi. V srediscu je zavedanje odsotnosti telesne in druzbene bližine ali obcutenje Oddaljenosti blizine, kot poimenujem koncno svetlobno instalacijo.

Keywords:unikatno oblikovanje, custva, epidemija, socialno in fizicno distanciranje, relacijska estetika, medcloveski odnosi, kvazi objekt, interaktivnost, svetloba in zvok, steklo, magistrsko delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150565 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2023
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Title:Flow of Emotions / Distant Proximity
I am focusing on the aspect of reliving emotional situations triggered by the pandemic, based on the Communication Model of Artistic Experience. My research delves into changes in interpersonal relationships during and after the pandemic, drawing from literature on relational aesthetics and art that views intersubjectivity and interactions as both the starting point and the end result of artistic practice (participatory art, socially engaged art, dialogical artistic practices). The emphasis is on quasi-objects, which, as connecting elements through light and sound generation, inform participants about mutual proximity. Quasi-objects are not passive parts of the world but active mediators that influence interaction with the subject. Through luminous glass quasi-bodies, I attempt to establish communication among participants as they move through the 'arena of exchange'. The colour light signalling, changing with varying distance from the object, displays an approaching danger when crossing the boundary of physical and social distance that was in effect during protective measures amidst the pandemic of the coronavirus disease. Moving through the space alters the visual stimuli produced by the quasi-objects, through which participants engage in relationships with others. At the core is an awareness of the absence of physical and social closeness, or the sensation of Proximity of distance, as I name the final light installation.

Keywords:applied arts, emotions, epidemic, social and physical distancing, relational aesthetics, interpersonal relations, quasi-object, interactivity, light and sound, glass, MA thesis

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