
Dinamika odziva listnih rež koruze (Zea mays) na spremembe deficita tlaka vodne pare
ID Pirih, Kris (Author), ID Vodnik, Dominik (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Eler, Klemen (Comentor)

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Koncentracijska razlika med vodno paro v listu in v zraku, ki jo pogosto izražamo kot deficit tlaka vodne pare med listom in zrakom (VPDL), je gonilna sila transpiracije rastlin. Za uravnavanje svoje vodne bilance te ob visokem zračnem VPD prilagajajo prevodnost listnih rež, s čimer regulirajo izgubo vode. V nalogi nas je zanimalo, kako se listne reže odzovejo na spremembe VPD in kaj ta odziv pomeni za rastlino. V lončnem poskusu smo na dveh, na sušo različno tolerantnih hibridih koruze opazovali fiziološki odziv na ravni lista ob stopenjski izpostavitvi VPD in transpiracijo na ravni rastline od izpostavitvi rastlin različnemu VPD. Na ravni rastline smo poskus izvedli v dveh terminih. Vključili smo tudi različne ravni vlažnosti substrata. Prevodnost listnih rež se je z višanjem VPD bolj ali manj linearno zmanjševala pri obeh hibridih. Čeprav je bila že začetna prevodnost listnih rež tolerantnega hibrida po aklimatizaciji na 1 kPa nižja kot pri kontrolnem hibridu, je ta hibrid začel hitreje omejevati prevodnost listnih rež že pri nižjem VPD. Kontrolni hibrid je začel prevodnost omejevati pri višjem VPD. Zaradi manjše prevodnosti listnih rež je imel tolerantni hibrid tudi nižjo transpiracijo. Med hibridoma ni bilo razlik v neto fotosintezi. Zaradi takšnega odziva ima tolerantni hibrid večjo učinkovitost izrabe vode in intrizično učinkovitost izrabe vode. Na ravni rastline se je transpiracija značilno povečevala z VPD in razlikovala med ravnema vlažnosti substrata v obeh terminih. Hibridu daje toleranco njegova odzivnost na spremembe vode v okolju že pri nižjih ravneh VPD in potencialno vlažnosti tal, kar pomeni, da bolj učinkovito izrablja vodo tudi takrat, ko je te v okolju razmeroma dovolj. Z rezultati smo dobili vpogled v dinamiko odziva listnih rež različnih hibridov koruze na spremembe VPD in predstavili pomembnost tega odziva za tolerantnost rastlin na sušo.

Keywords:deficit tlaka vodne pare (VPD), prevodnost listnih rež, transpiracija, fotosinteza, učinkovitost izrabe vode, intrinzična učinkovitost izrabe vode, koruza, Zea mays
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150418 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164907779 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Dynamics of stomatal response to changes in vapor pressure deficit in maize (Zea mays)
The driving force of plant transpiration is the concentration difference between leaf and air water vapor, usually expressed as leaf-to-air water vapor pressure deficit (VPDL). To regulate their water balance, plants restrict the stomatal conductance when air VPD is high, thereby regulating water loss. In our experiment, we were interested in stomatal response to changes in VPD. We observed the physiological response of plants to stepwise VPD changes at the leaf level and plant transpiration at different VPDs at the plant level of the two maize hybrids (drought tolerant, control) in the pot experiment. The experiment was conducted in two periods at the plant level and considered also different levels of substrate moisture. At the leaf level, stomatal conductance decreased more or less linear with increasing VPD in both hybrids. Although the tolerant hybrid had lower initial stomatal conductance (at 1 kPa) than the control hybrid, it began to limit the stomatal conductance more rapidly than control, at a lower VPD. The tolerant hybrid also had lower transpiration, due to the lower stomatal conductivity. On the other hand there were no differences in net photosynthesis between the hybrids. As a result the tolerant hybrid had higher water use efficiency and intrinsic water use efficiency. Transpiration at the plant level increased significantly with VPD and differed between substrate moisture levels in both periods of experiment. The tolerant hybrid is responding rapidly to environmental water changes even at lower VPD levels, implying that it uses water more efficiently even when it is relatively aboundant in the environment. We have gained insight into the dynamics of the stomatal response to changes in vapor pressure deficit in different maize hybrids and demonstrated the importance of this response for maize drought tolerance.

Keywords:vapor pressure deficit (VPD), stomatal conductivity, transpiration, photosynthesis, water use efficiency, intrinsic water use efficiency, maize, Zea mays

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