
Spolno nasilje nad ženskami in otroki : diplomsko delo
ID Lipovšek, Anja (Author), ID Krek, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga obravnava temo posilstva in spolnih napadov na ženske in otroke. V prvem delu obravnavamo spolni napad in pojme spolni napad, posilstvo, nadlegovanje in druge. Predstavljena je zgodovina pojmovanja posilstva, kaj je nekoč veljalo za posilstvo ter kako so ga obravnavali in kaznovali v primerjavi s sodobnostjo. V drugem delu so opisani storilci in povprečna slika storilcev posiljevalcev, starost, spol itd., geografski in psihološki profil storilca. Obravnavamo tudi razloge za storilčeva dejanja: njihovo psihološko stanje, travme iz otroštva, druge razloge. V nadaljevanju obravnavamo temo kategorij storilcev: kakšni storilci obstajajo in na kakšen način se lotijo svojih zločinov. Tretji del diplomske naloge predstavi žrtve spolnega napada in kje vse so žrtve lahko napadene, na primer na delovnem mestu ali v družinskem okolju. Če se ozremo na posilstva v družini, ki jih doživljajo otroci, je ena izmed možnih razlag priložnost. V posilstvu med partnerjema je tega vedno več lahko zgolj zaradi neuspešnih in oteženih prijav ter sojenj napadalcem, prav tako pa je ena izmed težav v drugih članih družine, ki žrtvam ne verjamejo. V naslednjem delu obravnavamo zakonodajo pri nas ter drugod po svetu. Posebej obravnavamo posilstvo otrok in njihove napadalce. Obravnavamo pedofilijo in razliko do spolnega nasilja. Opisana je tudi pornografija, katera dejanja sodijo v to kategorijo kaznivih dejanj. V nadaljevanju raziskujemo posledice, ki jih žrtve doživljajo po spolnem napadu. Te posledice so lahko fizične, psihične in čustvene, vendar pa ima vsaka posledica svoj vpliv na posamezno žrtev, ki se z njimi spopade na popolnoma individualen način. Nujno je žrtvam ponuditi kakršnokoli pomoč, če ne gre drugače, vsaj ozaveščati žrtve in tudi morebitne naslednje žrtve, kje lahko najdejo pomoč. V zadnjem delu s štirimi študijami primerov natančneje prikažemo in reflektiramo, kaj se je dogajalo s spolnimi napadalci v otroštvu, kakšne posledice jim je to prineslo in kaj se je kasneje dogajalo z njihovimi izbranimi žrtvami ter na kakšen način se je zločincem sodilo.

Keywords:Posilstvo, vzroki za posilstvo, kazni, zakonodaja, travme iz otroštva, spolni napad
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Lipovšek
Number of pages:45 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150385 This link opens in a new window
DOI:20.500.12556/RUL-150385 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164745987 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Sexual Violence against Women and Children
This thesis explores the topic of rape and sexual assault of women and children. In the first part, sexual assault and the terms of sexual assault, rape, molestation and others are discussed. The historical concept of rape perception is presented - what was once considered rape, how it was addressed and punished in comparison to modern times. The second part describes the perpetrators and the average profile of rapists – their age, gender; the geographical and psychological profile is included as well. The reasons for the perpetrator's actions are also discussed: their psychological state, childhood trauma and other reasons. Next, the categories of perpetrators are presented: what kind of perpetrators exist and how they commit their crimes. The third part of the thesis introduces the victims of sexual assault and explains where the victims can be assaulted, for example in the workplace or in the family environment. Analysing domestic rape experienced by children, one possible explanation is an opportunity. There may be an increasing occurrence of partner-on-partner rape simply because of the failures and difficulties connected to reporting the crime as well as the difficulty in bringing assailants to justice. Family members who do not believe the victims may be listed as an additional issue. In the next section, the legislation in Slovenia and elsewhere in the world is explored. Child rape and attackers are presented separately. Paedophilia and the differences pertaining to sexual violence are examined. Additionally, pornography is described together with acts categorising as offences. The consequences that the victims experience after a sexual assault are explored in the continuation. These consequences can be physical, psychological and emotional; however, each consequence has its own impact on the individual victim that copes with the experience in a unique way. It is imperative to offer victims any kind of help. If nothing else is possible, it is paramount to raise awareness among victims and potential future victims where they can find help. In the last part, four case studies illustrate and reflect in more detail on what had happened to sexual assailants in their childhood, what consequences this had for them, what later happened with their chosen victims and how the criminals were tried.

Keywords:Rape, causes of rape, punishment, legislation, childhood trauma, sexual assault

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