
Medvrstniško nasilje v vrtcu: razširjenost in razumevanje s strani otrok : razširjenost in razumevanje s strani otrok
ID Vidmajer, Vanja (Author), ID Pirc, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Fekonja, Urška (Comentor)

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V skladu s tradicionalno opredelitvijo lahko o medvrstniškem nasilju v šolskem prostoru govorimo, kadar je učenec v daljšem časovnem obdobju večkrat izpostavljen agresivnemu vedenju oz. negativnim dejanjem, ki jih povzroča njegov vrstnik oz. skupina vrstnikov (Olweus, 1993, v Pečjak idr., 2021). Na področju razumevanja medvrstniškega nasilja v vrtcih oz. v obdobju zgodnjega otroštva pa obstaja še veliko nejasnosti. Zato me je v magistrskem delu zanimalo, kako slovenski vzgojitelji_ce in pomočniki_ce vzgojitelja razumejo medvrstniško nasilje ter kakšno je njihovo zaznavanje pogostosti in resnosti tega pojava. Poleg tega me je zanimalo, kako medvrstniško nasilje razumejo otroci v zgodnjem otroštvu in kaj menijo, da so razlogi zanj. V vzorec je bilo vključenih 189 vzgojiteljic, ki so izpolnile vprašalnik, ter 32 otrok v zgodnjem otroštvu iz enega slovenskega vrtca, ki so sodelovali v polstrukturiranih pogovorih. Vzgojiteljice so bile mnenja, da medvrstniško nasilje v vrtcih obstaja in se pojavlja v različnih oblikah, vendar redko. Vzgojiteljice so prav tako situacije medvrstniškega nasilja ocenjevale kot resne situacije, v katerih bi zelo verjetno posredovale. Odgovori vzgojiteljic, kaj za njih pomeni medvrstniško nasilje, so bili raznoliki in so redko vključevali elemente prej omenjene tradicionalne opredelitve tega pojava v šoli. Tako lahko sklepamo, da bi najverjetneje morala biti opredelitev pojava v zgodnjem otroštvu drugačna od opredelitve, ki velja za šolski prostor. Dobljeni rezultati so prav tako pokazali, da so otroci, vključeni v magistrsko raziskavo, naštevali primere vedenj, ki lahko predstavljajo medvrstniško nasilje v zgodnjem otroštvu, vendar otroci besedne zveze medvrstniško nasilje niso poznali. Zaradi razvojnih značilnosti otrok je tako potrebna previdnost pri interpretaciji rezultatov dobljenih na njihovem vzorcu. Glede na ugotovitve magistrske raziskave sem oblikovala priporočila za strokovne delavce vrtca. Ta poudarjajo, da je slednje treba opremiti z znanji s področja medvrstniškega nasilja ter da naj se ti odzivajo na neprimerna vedenja in tako preprečijo negativne posledice le teh.

Keywords:medvrstniško nasilje, zgodnje otroštvo, vrtci, predšolska vzgoja, vzgojiteljice
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Vidmajer]
Number of pages:69 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150377 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168315139 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Bullying in preschool: prevalence and understanding by children : magistrsko delo
According to the traditional definition, bullying in the school setting can be defined as when a student is repeatedly exposed to aggressive behaviour or negative actions by a peer or group of peers over a long period of time (Olweus, 1993, in Pečjak et al. 2021). However, there is still a great deal of confusion in understanding bullying in preschool or early childhood settings. Therefore, in my master's thesis I was interested in how Slovenian teachers understand bullying and what their perception of the frequency and severity of this phenomenon is. In addition, I was interested in how bullying is perceived by children in early childhood and what they perceive as the reasons for it. The sample consisted of 189 teachers who completed a questionnaire and 32 early childhood children from one Slovenian preschool who participated in semi-structured interviews. The teachers believed bullying in preschool exists and occurs in different forms, but rarely. The teachers also considered situations of bullying as serious situations in which they would be very likely to intervene. Teachers' responses on what bullying meant to them were varied and rarely included elements of the traditional definition of the phenomenon in school mentioned above. Thus, it can be concluded that the definition of the phenomenon in early childhood is likely to be different from the one that applies to the school setting. The results also showed that the children involved in the master's study listed examples of behaviours that could constitute bullying in early childhood, but the children were not familiar with the word bullying. Caution is needed when interpreting results obtained from a sample of children because of their developmental characteristics. In the light of the findings of the master's research, I have formulated recommendations for preschool practitioners. These stress the need to equip them with knowledge in the field of bullying and to respond to inappropriate behaviours in order to prevent their negative consequences.

Keywords:bullying, early childhood, kindergartens, preschool education, preschool teachers

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