
Od Lontovža do sedeža SAZU: Zgodovina palače na Novem trgu 3 konec 19. in v 20. stoletju
ID Lukančič, Neža (Author), ID Klemenčič, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga na podlagi natančne analize večinoma še neobjavljenega in neinterpretiranega arhivskega gradiva ter literature obravnava gradbene posege in idejne načrte za palačo na Novem trgu 3, ki je na koncu 19. stoletja s porušitvijo dela trakta in menjavo uporabnikov doživela prostorske in arhitekturne spremembe. Sedanja uporabnica, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, se je v prostore nekdanje deželne hiše (Lontovža) vselila leta 1939. Ko je Akademija po drugi svetovni vojni v uporabo dobila celotno poslopje, je prišlo do večje prenove notranjosti, ki je najverjetneje izbrisala še zadnje ostanke novoveškega interijera. Zaradi prostorske stiske so že v petdesetih letih 20. stoletja pričeli z načrtovanjem prizidka na mestu porušenih traktov. Mnogo arhitektov je v naslednjih dvajsetih letih snovalo novo poslopje, ki pa zaradi kulturnovarstvenih zahtev in finančnih omejitev ni bilo zgrajeno. Načrti so v nalogi predstavljeni kronološko, kontekstualna analiza na podlagi spisovnega gradiva pa prispeva k razumevanju arhitekturnega oblikovanja. Cilj magistrskega dela je tako ponuditi celostno obravnavo poslopja z vključitvijo izvedenih in idejnih projektov, ki so jih pogojevali urbanistični pogledi na poseganje v starejše strukture na območju Novega trga.

Keywords:Lontovž, Novi trg, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, arhitektura, notranje oblikovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150375 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:166225411 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2023
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Title:From the Landhaus to the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts Headquarters: the History of the Palace at Novi trg 3 in the 19th and 20th centuries
Based on a detailed analysis of mostly unpublished and uninterpreted archival material and literature, the master's thesis deals with the architectural interventions and conceptual plans for the palace at Novi trg 3, which underwent spatial and architectural changes at the end of the 19th century with the demolition of a part of the wing and the change of tenants. The current occupant, the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, moved into the premises of the former Landhaus in 1939. When the Academy was given the use of the entire building after the Second World War, a major renovation of the interior took place, which probably erased the last remnants of the Baroque interior. Due to space needs, plans for an extension on the site of the demolished wings began as early as the 1950s. Over the next twenty years, many architects designed a new extension, which was never built due to cultural protection requirements and financial constraints. In the thesis, the architectural plans are presented chronologically, and a contextual analysis based on the written documents contributes to the understanding of the architectural designs. The aim of the master thesis is thus to offer a comprehensive understanding of the building, including the realised and conceptual projects, which were conditioned by urban planning views on the intervention in older structures in the area of the Novi trg.

Keywords:Landhaus, Novi trg, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, architecture, interior design

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