
Pacientova privolitev v radiološki poseg : diplomsko delo
ID Hovnik, Ana (Author), ID Madon, Ajda (Author), ID Starc, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mekiš, Nejc (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Informirana privolitev v medicinski poseg je pravica vsakega pacienta, s katero izvajalec zdravstvenih storitev pridobi njegovo privolitev za izvedbo posega. Preden pacient podpiše oz. poda privolitev, mora s strani zdravstvenega izvajalca prejeti natančne informacije o namenu in načinu izvedbe posega ter morebitnih tveganjih. Pacientova informirana privolitev mora biti prostovoljna. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti pomen privolitve pacienta v radiološki poseg ter na podlagi sistematičnega pregleda literature ugotoviti, ali si pacienti želijo biti informirani, kakšne informacije pričakujejo, kako to nalogo opravljajo radiološki inženirji in kaj pacienti vedo o radioloških posegih. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo s sistematičnim pregledom literature. Uporabljeni podatki so bili pridobljeni na podlagi preučevanja strokovnih in znanstvenih člankov ter raziskav s področja privolitve v radiološki poseg. Na podlagi pregledane literature smo nato odgovorili na tri raziskovalna vprašanja. Literaturo smo pridobili iz različnih podatkovnih baz, večinoma tujih. Iskali smo jo v obdobju med oktobrom 2022 in marcem 2023. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da si pacienti pred začetkom radiološke preiskave poleg splošnih informacij o namenu, potrebi in poteku posega želijo informiranosti tudi o dozi ionizirajočega sevanja in z njo povezanih tveganj za nastanek raka. Večina radioloških inženirjev preda pacientu le nekaj splošnih informacij o posegu, saj menijo, da jim informacije o količini prejete doze in z njo povezanimi tveganji velikokrat povzročijo nepotreben strah in ga odvrnejo od radiološkega posega. Razprava in zaključek: V Sloveniji ni opravljenih raziskav o privolitvi pacienta v radiološki poseg, ki bi jih lahko primerjali s tujo literaturo in tako ugotovili, koliko so pacienti pred radiološkim posegom informirani ter kako to vlogo opravljajo radiološki inženirji pri nas. Kljub temu pa so bili cilji diplomskega dela doseženi, saj smo ugotovili, katere so ključne informacije za pacienta.

Keywords:diplomska dela, radiološka tehnologija, informirana privolitev, privolitev s kontrastnim sredstvom, informiranje pacienta, radiološki poseg, radiologija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Hovnik : A. Madon]
Number of pages:37 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150202 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164913411 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Patient's concession in radiologic procedure : diploma work
Introduction: informed consent to a medical procedure is the right of every patient, with which the provider of health services obtains his legal consent to perform it. Before the patient signs or give consent, pacient must receive precise information from the healthcare provider about the purpose and method of performing the intervention and possible risks. The patient's informed consent must be voluntary. Purpose: The purpose of diploma work is to present the importance of patient consent to radiological procedures and based on a systematic review of the literature, to determine whether patients want to be informed, what information they expect before procedure, what they know about radiological procedures and what consent to a contrast agent procedure is like. Methods: In diploma work we used a descriptive method with a systematic review of the literature. The data that we used were obtained based on the study of professional and scientific articles and research in the field of consent to radiological intervention. Based on the reviewed literature, we then answered three research questions. We obtained the literature from various databases, mostly in foreign data. We were looking for the literature in the period between October 2022 and March 2023.b Results: In the results, we presented essential findings of scientific and professional artickles and researches that are included in the diploma work. We have found that, before starting a radiological examination, patients want to be informed about the amount of ionising radiation dose and the associated cancer risks, in addition to general information about the purpose, need and course of the procedure. Most radiological engineers give the patient only some general information about the procedure, as they believe that information about the amount of dose received and the risks involved often causes the patient unnecessary fear and discourages them from having the radiological procedure. Discussion and conclusion: In Slovenia, there are no studies on patient consent to radiological interventions, which could be compared with foreign literature to see how informed patients are before radiological interventions and how radiological engineers in Slovenia perform this role. Nevertheless, the thesis objectives were achieved, as we identified the key information for the patient.

Keywords:diploma theses, radiologic technology, informed consent, consent with contrast agent, informing the patient, radiology procedure, radiology

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