
Vpliv lastnosti tal in vodnega režima na dostopnost silicija pri navadnem trstu
ID Širca, Monika (Author), ID Golob, Aleksandra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Silicij (Si) blaži učinke abiotskega stresa, zato so mnoge raziskave pokazale, da je njegova akumulacija v rastlinah koristna za rast in razvoj rastlin, vendar pa je zaradi kompleksnosti vseh vplivov na privzem Si v rastline dinamika le-tega še slabo raziskana. Naš namen je bil raziskati, kako značilnosti tal (količina vode v tleh, kemijske značilnosti tal, tekstura in elementi v tleh) na treh različnih rastiščih na Cerkniškem jezeru vplivajo na dostopnost Si za navadni trst (Phragmites australis) ter kakšni so učinki Si na značilnosti navadnega trsta. Ugotovili smo, da sta se količina dostopnega Si in s tem tudi privzem Si v rastline razlikovala glede na količino vode v tleh, če smo iz analiz izvzeli nizkobarjanska rastišča. V tem primeru sta bili količina vode v tleh in količina dostopnega Si v tleh v pozitivni povezavi. Na obrežnih rastiščih sta bili količina vode v tleh in količina dostopnega Si v tleh večji kot na litoralnih rastiščih. Razlike v količini dostopnega Si v tleh so delno odvisne od značilnosti tal, na količino dostopnega Si v tleh pa lahko vplivajo tudi drugi dejavniki, kot je npr. košnja. Dostopni Si v tleh je bil v pozitivni povezavi s skupnim Si v tleh, pH tal, količino P2O5, K2O, Al in K v tleh, v negativni povezavi pa z deležem organske snovi v tleh, deležem N v tleh in vsebnostjo Pb v tleh. Količina dostopnega Si je bila v pozitivni povezavi z vsebnostjo Si v listih, klorofila a v listih, klorofila b v listih, Fe v listih in suho biomaso stebel. Za bolj zanesljivo razlago rezultatov bi lahko v raziskavo vključili več vzorčnih enot iz vsakega rastišča. Raziskavo bi lahko nadgradili tudi tako, da bi v laboratorijske analize poleg listov navadnega trsta vključili še druge rastlinske dele. Smiselno bi bilo raziskati še vpliv košnje na lastnosti tal in s tem tudi na količino dostopnega Si v tleh.

Keywords:navadni trst, silicij, vodni režim, lastnosti tal, lastnosti navadnega trsta
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Širca]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150192 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164532739 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of soil properties and water regime on silicon availability in common reed
Silicon accumulation mitigates the effects of abiotic stress, and many studies have shown that its accumulation in plants is beneficial for plant growth and development. However, the dynamic of Si uptake in plants is poorly understood due to the complexity of all the effects on Si uptake. The aim of our research was to examine how soil characteristics at three different stands on Lake Cerknica affect Si availability for common reed (Phragmites australis) and its effects on the characteristics of common reed. We found that the amount of available Si, and hence the uptake of Si by plants, differed according to the amount of water in the soil when marsh stand was removed from the analyses - in this case the amount of water in the soil and the amount of available Si were in the soil positively correlated. The amount of water in the soil and the amount of available Si in the soil were higher on riparian stands than on littoral stands. Differences in the amount of available Si in soil are partly dependent on soil characteristics, but other factors such as mowing may also influence the amount of available Si in soil. Available soil Si was positively correlated with total soil Si, soil pH, soil P2O5, soil K2O, soil Al and soil K, and negatively correlated with soil organic matter content, soil N content and soil Pb content. The amount of available Si was positively correlated with leaf Si, leaf chlorophyll a, leaf chlorophyll b, leaf Fe and stem dry biomass. To interpret the results more reliably, more sample units from each site could be included in the survey. The survey could also be extended to include other plant parts of common reed, besides the leaves in the laboratory analyses. It would also be worthwhile to investigate the effect of mowing on soil properties and thus on the amount of available Si in the soil.

Keywords:common reed, silicon, the water regime, soil properties, plant characteristics

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