
Poznomoderna (in)dividualnost in podatkovni ekstraktivizem spletnih platform / Opeqica
ID Berger, Neja (Author), ID Krašovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Sedlaček, Sašo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prehodu v pozno moderno mnogi sociološki avtorji, kot sta Beck in Bauman, pripisujejo poseben status v zgodovini individualizacije. Če prehod povežemo s prehodom iz disciplinske družbe v družbo kontrole, pa lahko tekočnost poznomodernega subjekta razumemo kot oblastni učinek, ki ne deluje negativno ali restriktivno, a niti ne proizvaja subjektov v odmikih od norme. Današnji dividui si svobodno gradijo biografije, saj so za reprodukcijo ekonomskega in družbenega sistema najkoristnejši, če ostajajo odprti za posodobitve glede na tržne dinamike. Ena izmed teh dinamik je podatkovna ekstrakcija spletnih tehnologij, kot so jo vzpostavile ameriške tehnološke korporacije. Namigi in spodbude algoritmov, kot tudi institut individualizacije operirajo ravno s svobodo poznomodernega (in)dividua, nas mentalno optimizirajo v smeri avtonomne odtujitve od občutka kreativnosti in prek samozadane eksploatacije usmerjajo k profitabilnemu proizvajanju informacij. Delo in prosti čas se zlijeta v eno in občutek nenehnega odlašanja od nekega dela zaradi nekega drugega deluje v korist obema oblikama proizvajanja vrednosti.

Keywords:slikarstvo, podatkovni ekstraktivizem, nadzorovalni kapitalizem, individualizaciia, družba kontrole, odlašanie, delo, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150057 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2023
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Title:Online data extractivism and the late modern (in)dividual / Opeqica
Many sociologists, such as Beck and Bauman, discern a pivotal transformation within the trajectory of individualization during the transition to late modernity. When contextualized within the shift from a disciplinary society to a society of control, we can understand the fluidity of the late modern subject as an exertion of power that does not operate negatively or restrictively, nor does it produce subjects in reference to the norm. Rather, today's dividuals construct their biographies freely, remaining open to updates based on market dynamics and thus useful for the reproduction of the economic and social system. One of these dynamics is the imperative of data extraction, as established by American tech corporations. Algorithmic nudges and suggestions, as well as the institution of individualization, operate with the very freedom of the late modern (in)dividual, cognitively optimizing us towards autonomous alienation from the sense of creativity and directing us towards profitable information production through self-imposed exploitation. Work and free time merge into one, and a feeling of continuous procrastination remains. In the procrastination cycle, one form of information production defers to another, benefiting both and maximizing value production.

Keywords:painting, data extractivism, surveillance capitalism, individualization, societies of control, procrastination, labor, MA thesis

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