
Laboratorijska primerjava inhibicije glivnih kultur in izolatov iz onesnaženih okolij pri mikoremediaciji kreozotnega olja
ID Krnc, Andraž (Author), ID Kržišnik, Davor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na železniških pragovih, tretiranih s kreozotnim oljem, smo odkrili kulture gliv, za katere smo sklepali, da so v primerjavi z laboratorijskimi kulturami bolj odporne na višje koncentracije kreozotnega olja. V ta namen smo primerjali minimalno inhibitorno koncentracijo kreozotnega olja na rast micelija laboratorijskih kultur Pleurotus ostreatus, Hypoxylon fragiforme in Trametes versicolor ter izoliranih kultur ŽGP3 in ŽGP10. Kulture smo izpostavili naraščajočim koncentracijam kreozotnega olja in spremljali rast micelija. Kreozotno olje smo do ustrezne koncentracije mešali z n heksanom. Med 18-dnevno inkubacijo smo večkrat skenirali vsako petrijevko, izračunali povprečje razdalj, ki jih je prerasel micelij, ter izračunali standardni odklon. Ugotovili smo, da v laboratorijskih pogojih izolirane kulture nimajo prednosti pred laboratorijskimi kulturami. Kultura ŽGP3 je bila inhibirana pri 20 % koncentraciji kreozotnega olja, medtem ko so bile ostale kulture inhibirane pri 50 % koncentraciji ali višji. Koncentracija kreozotnega olja je prav tako vplivala na dinamiko rasti micelija posameznih kultur. Pri določenih kulturah so se pojavile kapljice sekundarnih metabolitov. Sklenili smo, da se minimalna inhibitorna koncentracija razlikuje med posameznimi kulturami gliv, vendar ni vedno višja pri kulturah, izoliranih iz onesnaženih okolij. Za optimalno učinkovitost mikoremediacije je treba upoštevati več parametrov, med drugim izbiro ustreznega mikroorganizma, substrata ter sestave onesnažila, ki ga želimo razgraditi.

Keywords:mikoremediacija, kreozotno olje, minimalna inhibitorna koncentracija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149989 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164578307 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2023
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Title:Mycoremediation of creosote oil: laboratory comparison of the inhibition of fungal cultures and isolates from contaminated environments
Fungal cultures were found on railway sleepers treated with creosote oil, which we assumed to be more resistant to higher concentrations of creosote oil compared to laboratory cultures. For this purpose, we compared the minimum inhibitory concentration of creosote oil on the mycelial growth of the laboratory cultures Pleurotus ostreatus, Hypoxylon fragiforme and Trametes versicolor and the isolated cultures ŽGP3 and ŽGP10. The cultures were exposed to increasing concentrations of creosote oil and mycelial growth was monitored. Creosote oil was mixed with n-hexane at the appropriate concentration. During the 18-day incubation, each Petri dish was scanned several times and the average mycelial growth and standard deviation were calculated. We found that isolated cultures under laboratory conditions have no advantage over laboratory cultures. The ŽGP3 culture was inhibited at a creosote oil concentration of 20 %, while the other cultures were inhibited at a concentration of 50 % or more. The concentration of creosote oil also affects the growth dynamics of the mycelium of the individual cultures. Droplets of secondary metabolites also appeared in certain cultures. We concluded that the minimum inhibitory concentration varied from fungal culture to fungal culture, but was not always higher in cultures isolated from polluted environments. For optimal efficacy of mycoremediation, several parameters need to be considered, starting with the selection of the appropriate microorganism, the substrate, and the composition of the pollutant we want to degrade.

Keywords:mycoremediation, creosote oil, minimum inhibitory concentration

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